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He had always been alone. Even with his mother's company, he had never felt the security nor reassurance that should have come with her constant presence through the years that he had lived.

The weight of the years in his shoulders too heavy to bear for only one person. And yet he still continued to survive.

Aleksander Morozova had always only had himself as company. Until it wasn't.

There came a moment when the loneliness that had amassed through the years of him being alone was abated. When his yearning for companionship was finally sated.

Once a year, every year, she would come. And with her presence came the warmth that only she could ever give him.

Unlike his mother, she never tried to change him. To 'redeem' him.

No. She would simply sit with him in the dark, her hands holding a warm globe of light, a stark contrast to the shadows that encased their figures as he told her his story. And through it all, she would listen.

Never once had she judged him. She was the only person whom he could show his vulnerabilities to and never feel like he's weak.

She had been his pillar. A shoulder to turn to whenever he may need it.

And so every year, he would eagerly await her return. In his dreams where they could meet, Aleksander could let go of all his guards, lay down his walls, and simply be just a man as fragile and vulnerable as any otkazat'sya.

She was always there. Until she wasn't.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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