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After a while, they all managed to gather at one spot out of the entire city.

It was the biggest bar there, with a dance floor added to. Loud music was playing, and beams of lights everywhere. Nami, Luffy, Ussop and Chopper, where all on the dance floor, dancing like they have two left feet.

Robin was sitting across from them watching, while drinking a little fruit drink. She tried hiding her laughter, but couldn't help it as they kept making fools of themselves.

Zoro on the other hand, was sitting on a large purple couch, drinking away. He saw the blonde cook walking towards him, and plopping next to him with a stupid grin on his face.

"Having fun?" Zoro asks. He saw Sanjis blazer barely on him anymore, with a few buttons on his shirt undone, and a face completely flushed.

"Oh, I'm doing just fine!" He says a little giggly. Zoro had made a face at him, and took sip from his booze. Trying to ignore him with the loud music.

"Oh! I heard there was this sushi and ramen restaurant, we should go!" Sanji says. Zoro was a little shocked by the offer, and looked at him from the corner of his eye. "Uuh, I guess." Zoro says, not really wanting to go.

Sanji yelled out a happy yay, and attempted to stand up. He fumbled a little bit, but he made it towards the doors in one piece. Zoro, felt real nervous.

When they got seated, sanji was already ordering things off the menu, while flirting with the waitress. Zoro wanted to roll his eyes, but was afraid they might roll to the back of his head.

The waitress brought their drinks, and sanji started downing his. "Doncha think you're over doing it? Do you know how much you can drink?" Zoro asks.

Setting his drink down, sanji says "I'm fine! I can hold my drinks better than what you think!" He says sluggishly. "Yeah...okay." Zoro says, knowing disaster is about to serve their table next.

When food came, sanji asked for a whole bottle of booze and more plates of sushi. He looked at sanji wide eyed, not sure if Sanji's sober enough to know what he's doing.

"Hey, you shouldn't just order whatever, we've been here for hours and don't have enough money." Zoro says. "I at least don't." He thought.

"It's alright! I have money! Just enjoy tonight, alright?" Sanji says. Zoro sighs at sanji stupidity. Finally food came out, and Zoro started eating from the big bowl of ramen. He was pretty hungry to, and with ramen being a soup, it was helping with the booze.

Sanji on the other hand, was making tiny sounds to himself. Zoro got the feeling that maybe this is why he got such a bad feeling earlier.

"Alright cook, you've had enough to drink." Zoro says, reaching for the bottle. Sanji moved it out of reach, and glared at Zoro.

"Why are you trying to take what's mine!? I'm buying this, so leave me alone!" He almost yelled. "You damn cook, you're causing to much attention, and you need to sober up a bit." Zoro says.

"Pfft, like you're one to talk! You drink and sleep all day everyday. Why can't I have my fun?!" Sanji says taking another drink.

Zoro was getting aggravated at this point. "Sanji, give me the drink." Zoro says. Out of no where, sanji sits up leaning across the table, grabs Zoro by the shirt, and kisses him right on the lips. In front. of EVERYONE.

Zoro felt Sanji attempting to slip his tongue in, but Zoro pushed him away. "What. In the hell, cook?" Zoro asks. Sanji smirked a little, before he slumped back into his seat, and passed out.

Zoro sighed to himself, running a hand through his hair, stressed out cause...what the fuck is he suppose to do now?

He ended up paying for the food, and taking some with him. But as for he did with sanji, he took him back to the bar they were at before.

"Zoro, what are you doing over here? Is sanji alright?" Robin asks. "Yeeah, no. It's a long story, and I can't have him with me right now." Zoro says.

"Hm, okay then. I'll bring him back to the ship with everyone else. As you can see, they're pretty much done for as well." Robin says, as the two see everyone else on the couch where Robin was sitting, knocked out.

"Good enough for me. This piece of shit's been getting on my nerves." Zoro says, adding sanji to the pile. "I guess I'll be seeing you back at the ship then. Try not to get lost." Robin says.

Zoro gritted his teeth, and groaned at her before stomping his way back to the ship like a little kid. A new record, Zoro got lost 3 times instead of 4. Ladies and gentlemen, or whatever you are, this day will go down in history.

He got to the ship and went to his room. He immediately got out his his clothes and went to bed, but he couldn't sleep. As he was lying in bed, he kept thinking about what Sanji did, which kept pissing him off.

"Just a sip" my ass. More like drinking the whole island dry." Zoro said to himself. He sat up on his bed starring out the window. There was no point into laying down if he was just going to be awake.

He got up and picked up the clothes sanji let him barrow off the floor. He wasn't great at it, but tried to fold it up to look better. As he was folding it, he found an unused cigarette.

"So that shit cook even has emergency smokes?" Zoro thought. "Now that I think about it, for a heavy smoker like him, I figured he'd have rot mouth. But it was...not bad." Zoro thought.

"Whatcha doing there?" Robin says. Zoro must've died or something, cause all the color drained from him. "Did I scare you?" Robin laughed. "No! What're you doing?" Zoro asks.

"I was just wondering around the ship, since I'm not really tired yet. What are you doing with Sanji clothing?" She asks.

"I was trying to fold them...I don't really know how to." Zoro says. "That I can believe, but you were starring at them when I walked by. What's troubling you?" She asks, fixing the clothes.

"It's nothing, just...buzzed." Zoro says. "....If you take me as a fool, then you might as well call yourself one to." Robin says. "Oh shut up!" Zoro says.

"Did something happen between you and Sanji? You didn't seem upset till you came back with him." Robin says. Her question struck Zoro right in the chest, like a flash of lightning.

"If you don't mind, quite trying to pry yourself into my problems." Zoro says. At first, Robin almost looked surprised, but then she flashed a smile at him, and apologized.

After she left, Zoro finally felt tired. "Wow, just talking to her drained me." Zoro thought. He got back into his bed and was falling asleep.

A few moments later...Zoro quickly sat back up with his eyes wide and terrified. "Dear god...she knows." He thought.
(She doesn't know.)

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