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The next morning came, and everyone was at the table eating food Sanji had prepared. It was obvious he wasn't feeling good, he was moving rather slowly today.

"Sanji, are you alright?" Nami asks. "I'm alright beautiful, just a head ache is all." Sanji says. "You don't want any help?" Chopper asks. "No, it's alright. I'll just lay down a bit when I'm done." Sanji says, adding another thing of pancakes and waffles to the table.

Everyone watched as he took off his apron and rub his head, making his way back towards his room. "Zoro, how much did sanji drink exactly last night?" Robin asks smiling.

After swallowing his food and making awkward eye contact, he responds "Not sure. He drank more than he should've." Zoro says stuffing his face more nervously.

"I see, so sanji may have over done it for himself. Odd to think since he doesn't drink much." Robin says. "Yeah, I guess now that you point it out, he really doesn't." Nami says.

"Maybe me and Zoro should go to one of the shops on the island, and get him some pain relievers. That should make him feel a little bit better." Chopper says. "I don't know, I'm just REALLY busy today." Zoro says

"I think you should go. After all, you went out of your way to make sure he was with someone and not by himself last night." Robin says. Zoro aggressively chews his food, while starring holes into Robins face.

After breakfast, Zoro ended going with chopper to the medical shop, where the doctor there told em where medicines for head pains were.

As they were looking for what's best for Sanji, chopper noticed Zoro looking like he had something on his mind. "Hey Zoro, are you alright? You seem a little stressed." Chopper asks. "Nah, it's nothing. Don't worry about it." He says.

"Alright then, if you say so. Let's give sanji this, it's an herb that can also be used to make tea, it'll help him by a long shot." Chopper says.

They pay for the herb and make it back to the ship. Chopper prepares the tea and adds in a bit of sugar so it isn't so bland. "Okay! Zoro, please go give this to sanji." Chooped says.

"Why do I have to give it to him?" He asks. "Well you're here, and I just remembered I have to go do something in my room that relates to my medicine research." Chopper says.

Zoro sighs and grabs the tea from him, making his way towards sanji room. When he knocked on the door, there wasn't a response.

He walked in and like sanji said, he was resting on top his bed covers. "Just as I thought, he over did himself." Zoro thought.

He set the drink down on his side table and tapped him awake. "Hey cook, chopper made you a drink." Zoro said.

Sanji groaned as he started to wake up, head was already starting to throb again. "What do you want?" Sanji asks frustratedly.

"Here." Zoro says holding the cup to him. As sanji drinks it, he can feel his head pain lifting away.

"Hmm, what is this?" Sanji asks. "Medicine. Suppose to help headaches." Zoro says, trying to avoid long conversation.

"That's very kind, tell chopper I said thanks as well." Sanji says. "Okay." Zoro says. But just as he was about to reach the door, he stopped himself.

"Why are you just standing there all awkwardly?" Sanji asks. "do you...remember anything last night?" He asks.

Sanji takes a minute to think and shrugs. "Not really, although, I do remember a couple of nice young ladies at the bar I went to first. You should've seen them, they were so beautiful." Sanji says smiling to himself.

"Ah, okay then. Never mind me asking then." Zoro says. "Hey, is something the matter? You're acting all quiet now." Sanji says.

"It's nothing. Enjoy you're tea." He said before closing the door behind him. "At least he doesn't remember, what a relief." Zoro thought.

As sanji was drinking his tea, he noticed something was weird about Zoro. "Did something happen last night?..should I ask?...maybe I will later." Sanji thought.

Meanwhile, chopper was wondering around the ship to find Robin, and spotted her sitting in her usual spot, in a beach chair. He could've went to anyone else, but he likes talking to Robin more.

"Hey Robin! Can I ask you about something?" He asked. She place down her book and hummed to him. "I don't know if it's just me, but have you noticed Zoro acting a bit...distant?" Chopper asks.

"Hmm, yes I guess you can put it that way. When I ran into him last night, he seemed to be in a stress as well." She says. "Really? He was up at that time? I thought it was just you, cause you brought us back to the ship." Chopper points out.

Robin explains to chopper what all happened last night that Zoro told her. "Oh, I see. So...could've something happen between them?" Chopper asks. "Maybe, but that wouldn't be anything new, wouldn't it?" She asks.

"I guess you're right. Maybe they just got into another one of their petty arguments. Thanks for the talk Robin, I have to go to my room now. Enjoy your day." He smiles before leaving.

She smiles as he left and went back to reading her book. But as she was reading, she kept quietly laughing to herself, and had to stop.

"If those two really did get into a petty argument, wouldn't have Zoro just went to bed? He seemed really anxious when talking and was still awake. Normally, he'd been asleep." Robin thought.

She closed her book again, for she couldn't concentrate on the story. "Hmm, maybe I should ask Zoro one more time.." she said aloud.

Hours go by and everyone had gotten ready for the island. Zoro was in the crows nest downing a bottle of rum and watching the sky and the water reflecting off the sky.

"Hey Zoro! Are you coming to the island with us!?" Nami yelled. "Nah, I think I'll stay here for a bit." Zoro yells back. "Okay! We'll be back later!!" Nami says, as everyone else leaves to the island.

An hour goes by and Zoro hears "Knock knock!". Zoro looked to see it was Robin. "I thought you went with everyone else?" Zoro asked. "I thought about it, but decided I didn't really want to anyways." She said.

"I see. So what brings you up here?" Zoro asks. "I was going to ask you the same thing. Why you've been so distant with everyone?" She asks. "What're you talking about?" Zoro asks.

Robin climb the rest of the way into the crows nest and sat down. "Last night, you seemed stressed. Did something happen between you and Sanji?" She asks.

"Nothing happened." He says. "You sure? Cause even chopper was worried about you. He came looking for me to talk about you." Robin says.

Zoro sighs and takes a swig from his drink, looking at the sky. "You promise to not tell anyone? And I mean anyone. Women or not, you tell and I kill you." Zoro asks. "I promise. Now, tell me what happened after we spoke last night." she says.

He took one last drink of his booze, and got himself prepared. For he was gonna take that monotone look, right off Robins face.

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