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When the morning came, Sanji had just woken up from his clock. It was time for him to take his daily shower and make breakfast.

He sat up and immediately started having flashbacks of last night. "Damnit. I almost completely forgot." Sanji said to himself.

He felt that his lips feel slightly sore, and all the places he was touched last night were still hard to forget. His head felt hot, and shook all those thoughts out.

"I have to take a shower now! I can't be late for serving breakfast!" He said to himself, trying to distract from the thoughts..

When he got done, to the kitchen he went. He decided to make some bacon, since he only had a bit left over from yesterday. And of course, main courses that complements fruits well.

"French toast goes well with fruit, right? This should be a good idea." Sanji thought, getting out some eggs too. "I hope this is to Nami and Robins taste." Sanji thought.

But then he stopped mixing all the ingredients. "Would Zoro like it? He always eats everything I make anyways but.." sanji wondered.

It was only then he realized he was letting the bacon burn. "SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!" He said aloud.

An hour goes by, and everyone was gathered at the table. "So Robin, how do you think sanji and Zoro are holding up?" Nami asks.

"I don't know. There doesn't seem to be anything visibly wrong with them. Maybe they're giving each other some space. It's only been a few days. Besides, the captain said to leave it be." Robin says.

Nami huffed as she leaned her head on her hand. "I just wish those two were back to normal. It's been so awkward lately." Nmai thought.

"Good morning everyone! For today, I decided to make French toast, with fruit to the side." Sanji says. "It looks amazing sanji, thank you for breakfast." Nami says.

"Aww! Thank you Nami dear!" Sanji says. "ANK KYUU ANKI" luffy said with his mouth full. "CHEW AND SWALLOW BEFORE YOU SPEAK YOU BABOOM." Sanji yells.

The door opens from the hallway, revealing a mossy mess yawning and sitting down in his spot.

Almost immediately after he sat down, a plate of food was brought to him gently in front of him.

He looked up and saw sanji making eye contact from the corner of his eye, with a tiny smile, and a cigarette in his mouth. He face sort of pink. "Good morning" he said. No sarcastic attitude, no evil glares, just that.

It felt weird to Zoro seeing him act like this but almost, nice?? "Morning to you too." He said, biting into his breakfast.

Although it was French toast, it wasn't as sweet as normal French toast should be. Sanji had made it less sugary for Zoro. He remembered he didn't like sweet stuff when he tried some of choppers cotton candy on the island.

"It's..really good!" Zoro thought. It's was a good idea Sanji made enough that he thought Zoro would eat, cause he filled himself UP.

After they ate, sanji was doing the dishes. Everyone else had gotten done and left their dishes. This was one of those times where sanji could get lost in his thoughts again. But over Zoro.

He really was just confused on how he felt. He likes women for sure, no doubt about that. But, does he like men too? Would he want to kiss men and do it with men?

"I don't think I could ever bring myself to do it with a man." Sanji thought. But then he heard "What about just Zoro?" In his head.

 Title. (Sanji xZoro boko) Where stories live. Discover now