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While Sanji and Zoro were in Sanji room, Sanji smacked down his hand of cards and jumped up from his chair. "In your face moss head!" Sanji said happily.

"Oh shut up! You're too damn good at this game! It's not fair." Zoro pouted. "Awe, you pouting cause you lost over a game? If you want, I can always help teach you to be better. I'll even lend you another one of my decks so you can get better." Sanji says.

"Now you're just mocking me aren't you!!" Zoro yelled. "Haha! I'll admit that maybe I went a little overboard." Sanji says. "No it's okay. As much as I pout, seeing you get excited over a card game is kinda fun to watch." Zoro says.

"Now you've made me seem like I'm a child." Sanji chuckled while lighting a cigarette. "A child who's good at playing cards? Maybe Nami when she was a kid. I don't know how she does it, but it's like luck and money with her just holds her hands." Zoro says.

"It really does. I guess that suits her considering her beauty is only for the riches." Sanji says blowing a puff of smoke.

Zoro kinda cringed at his choice of words, but spoke up and asked "You...still think Nami is beautiful?" Sanji looked surprised and yet confused by his question.

"Yes...? Why wouldn't I? She has beautiful long hair, the biggest brown eyes I've ever seen, an amazing personality, and ridiculously smart. What's there to hate?" Sanji says.

"I'm not saying hate just...do you...like Nami too?" Zoro asks. "I don't think I'm following your question." Sanji says confused.

"Do you like Nami...while also liking me?" Zoro asks. Now that sanji understood what Zoro was mentioning, he didn't really have an answer.

"I...don't know. There's no doubt I still like women, and I think it's always been known I've really liked Nami since I've laid eyes on her. But...I'm on the learning curve of liking you too by choice." Sanji says.

"So...you like us both?" Zoro asks. "I...think so? That's just what makes the most sense to me." Sanji says blowing smoke out.

"But if you had to choose, would you pick Nami?.." Zoro asks. "I don't know..." Sanji says.

So then the silence between them grew and grew the more time that went by. The tension between them became more awkward.

"That's alright. I'm not even upset by that. You're right that it's nothing new about you and women. Hell, when we were on the first island, you surrounded yourself with women and even flirted with the waitress lady at the restaurant we went to." Zoro says.

"Oh my god...I did that?!?" Sanji asks, slightly embarrassed. "You did. In front of everyone." Zoro laughs a little.

Sanji cringed and hid his flushed face behind his hand. "I'm so sorry about that. That's so embarrassing." Sanji says.

"It's water under the bridge by now. But where I'm getting at is even after everything and we finally come to how we feel towards each other, and you still like women..." Zoro pauses.

"I'll still be accepting of that." Zoro says, as he looked into Sanjis widen eyes and surprised expression.

He looked away from Zoros gaze and his face turned even more red. "You...don't think that's a little wrong? You don't think I might go behind your back for a woman?" Sanji asks.

"Would you?" Zoro asks. "Of course not! I'm a very loyal person and would never cheat with the person I'm with." Sanji says. "So then what's there to worry about?" Zoro asks.

Another silence fell between them, but this time, the air was almost warm feeling.

"I...guess you're right." Sanji says, smiling a little too himself.

He felt Zoro cup his hands with his and smiled a little at him. "It also wouldn't be fair for you either. You've liked women you're entire life, I'm not going to be petty over it and rob your interest for women just cause you might have interest for one man." Zoro says.

Sanji could feel a warm comforting feeling spread within his chest, and couldn't help but smile more at his moss head.

He put out his cigarette and leaned forward towards their hands, and placed a kiss on one of Zoros knuckles catching him off guard.

Sanji sort of hummed to himself as he found Zoros reaction towards his affection humorous, and reached up and messed up Zoros hair.

Zoro grabbed his hand again and placed a kiss as well on his wrist while keeping eye contact.

It sent a slight shiver down sanji back, but not in a bad way he thought.

This time, sanji leaned more  towards Zoro with their faces inches, and the energy buzzing between them.

"You're real close cook.." Zoro says in a low voice, starring into sanji eyes, while interlocking their hands.

Sanji looked at his eyes and over his face. He ran his thumb over Zoros lips and held his breath for just a second.

"I can be closer..." Sanji responds. They look at each other before slowly leaning in-

"I FOUND AN ISLAND FOR YOU TWO!!!" Nami echoed as she forced herself into the room like she's the main event.

Zoro and sanji quickly stood up before she could noticed, and almost knocked the whole table over from their knees, they moved so quick.

"Ooooh, Nami...you found an island?" Zoro said almost sounding (is) annoyed.

"Yes. I. Did!" She says proudly slamming the map on the table. "THIS, is where we're going to be going." Nami pointed.

"This island is called Rose. It's an island that's shaped like a rose, and is notorious for it's perfect spot for first dates or just romance for couples." Nami says.

"It is? That's quite convenient, Nami." Sanji says. "I know right!!! It'll take us only a day to get there if we change course soon. I'll tell the others what the plans are after I leave." Nami says.

"That sounds great! Thank you Nami." Sanji says as he smiles at her. Zoro saw from his peripheral vision, then looked away.

It was almost like a stinging feeling in his stomach, but nothing he couldn't ignore.

"Awesome!" She said cheery. She rolled up her map and said "I'll be on my way then. See you two later!" As she left the room by themselves again.

But before a silence could fall back on them, Zoro stretched and moved his way towards Sanji door.

He figured after playing cards for a few hours, he could maybe get some workout time in before night comes.

"I had a fun time with you cook. Let's do it again." He said. "Wait, you're leaving right now?" Sanji asks following after him.

Zoro turned back around to Sanji a little confused. "Yes? I planned on just working out for a bit before it gets too late." Zoro says.

"Oh, alright then. Well I had a good time too. Thanks for playing with me." Sanji smiled.

He moved closer to Zoro and leaned into his chest with his. Placing his hand on one side of Zoros face, so he wouldn't move when he kiss Zoros cheek.

Zoro looked shocked and surprised at Sanji. "Its...been a while.." Zoro thought.

"Good night Zoro. I'll see you in the morning." Sanji says. "Yeah..." Zoro says in sort of a dazed tone.

He opened the door and let himself out, then feeling the spot Sanji had kissed his face on. He couldn't help but smile to himself.

He went to take a step towards his room and felt something was off. He stood for a second and looked at himself to see the problem right under his nose.

His face went all red and started taking deep breaths. His body temperature was rising quickly.

"Oh shit.." Zoro thought.

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