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"Oh. My. God. I can't believe it! They're gay!" Usopp says. "I don't know about Sanji, but I'm betting on Zoro." Nami says. "You can't, you spent it all on the island." Luffy said. "Shut tf up Luffy! I'm trying to listen." Nami says.

Robin rubs her head a little, then sighs. "Now that the problem is over, let's get to the next thing. You two should sit down and talk. By yourselves." Robin says.

"What?! I don't want to be alone with him! What if he kisses me again with his man lips?!" Sanji says. "YOURE A MAN TOO! YOU HAVE THE SAME LIPS AS ME!" Zoro says.

"Alright, you two have to handle this like adults. I'll be outside, so if you start fighting, I'll know. Talk it out and fix the problem." Robin says, closing the door behind her.

The two sit and don't say anything. They don't even look at each other, till sanji spoke up.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I did that to you, I really am. I'm just shocked, and trying to process why you didn't tell me to begin with and...why you of all people kissed me. Twice." Sanji said kind of annoyed.

"...I accept your apology." Zoro says as he sighs. "And...I really wasn't all that mad about it later on. Kind of the reason I didn't tell you, I was getting over it." Zoro says.

"Were you? Kissing me twice in the bathroom while I was vomiting, that was you getting over it?" Sanji asks.

"I'm sorry for what I did, I got...caught up." Zoro says. "Caught up? What did you get caught up in?" Sanji asks.

Zoro was going to defend himself, but looked at sanji neck and collar. He still remembered the smell, makes him have the feeling in his stomach again. WHAT IS IT?!?!

"I...don't remember." Zoro says. Sanji sighs. "Alright... Zoro, I want you to be honest with me. Do you...have feelings for me?" Sanji asks lighting a cigarette.

This shocked Zoro. He never thought he'd hear a question like that from Sanji. It sent a striking like pain in his gut. "...As if I would ever have feelings for someone with curly eyebrows." Zoro says.

"Oh yeah?" Sanji says, blowing a smoke cloud. "Says the one who's kissed this curly brow three times." Sanji says. Zoro grit his teeth from the smart ass comment. "Well you kissed my MAN LIPS." Zoro says.

They both glared at each other for having comebacks.
"Since we're asking questions, Are you really as straight as you act?" Zoro asks. "Of course I am! That night was just a mistake. I was under the influence, and I couldn't control myself." Sanji said.

"You had you're free thought of kissing me in the bathroom, I wanna know what made you think to do that. I...won't get mad." Sanji says.

Zoro sighed. He can't just say it was his scent, that's just creepy, and not a good excuse. There wasn't really anyway to defend for himself, so his only option he thought, was just to avoid it. "Can we just be done talking already? We both apologized, and this is getting us nowhere." Zoro says.

Sanji stopped motioning to take a hit from his cigarette. He felt offended that zoro wanted to stop talking, but thought the same. "It's like talking to a wall with him." Sanji thought. "...Fine, do what you want." Sanji says.

Zoro, surprised by the cooks surrendering, sits in shock. He wasn't arguing with him. Sanji looked as if he wasn't even trying anymore.

The look of "I've givin up on you." Was painted all over sanji face, as he stares out his window.

Zoro fumed as he got up and walked out the door. He saw Robin leaning against the wall, with a disappointed look. As if she expected better.

He just rolled it off and walked towards his room. He was tired of everything that was happening, he just wanted to be alone.

Luffy, Nami, and Usopp come out from hiding and stand next to Robin, as they watch Zoro.

"I guess...it didn't work out. Again." Robin says. "Guess so. Maybe we stay out of it for now. They already told each other how they feel, so  we just need to let them work it out on their own pace." Usopp says.

"Usopps right, let's leave them alone. I don't know how or why, but I get the feeling if we stop butting in, it'll all work out better than we expect in the end." Luffy says.

"that's...not a bad idea." Nami says. "Yes, we'll leave it be. We've done all we could." Robin says.

Usopp and Luffy left to the main deck to do their own thing, but Nami stayed behind with Robin. "Nami, what's the matter?" Robin asks.

"Robin, why did you lie to me?" She asks. "What do you mean?" Robin ask. "You knew the whole time what was going on, and acted as though you were oblivious as we were. You told me you had no idea what was going on." Nami says.

"...I'm sorry Nami. I've been super stressed out about those two that...I forgotten how you guys would feel." Robin says.

"It's alright, I forgive you. I know you were just trying to help them. Just don't ever keep secrets from us again, alright?" Nami asks. "I promise." Robin says. Nami reached out to hug her and buried her face.

"You should go check on the boys, make sure they're not doing anything rash." Robin says, patting nami head.

"You're right. I'll check on them, maybe make some lunch too." Nami said, before she left.

Robin smiled as she watched Nmai, but then decided to head to her room. She felt kinda guilty that she couldn't help, and made things worse.

She lied on her bed, starring at the ceiling. Lost in her thoughts, she became tired and eyes started become heavy. She was exhausted from everything.

Zoro on the other hand, was lifting his weights while staring out his window. He tried to distract his mind from everything, but it would only keep coming back. It was annoying.

He set down his weights and sat on his bed. Emotions of anger and confusion swarmed in his gut and head, which would soon turn into a headache.

He got mad and decided he was just going to take a cold shower. As he grabbed his clothes, he yet again saw the shirt. Sanji shirt.

He starred at it till he saw his door opening. Chopper had came in and was dressed up. "Hey zoro, whatcha up to?" He ask. "I was about to go shower. What's up?" Zoro ask.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go to the island with me!" Chopper asks. "...I wasn't really planning on it...but a drink does sound good. Would suck if I didn't have a drink before we leave this island." Zoro thought.

"Alright, let me just take a shower and I'll be ready." He says. Chopper smiled and told him he'd be waiting at the docs.

When he left, he looked back in the drawer and the shirt. He grabbed it, and took it with him to the bathroom.

After showering and getting dressed, he tried his best to do his hair the way it was done before. He doesn't know why he's putting this much work into his appearance, but he wants too.

On the main deck, he sees Usopp and Luffy. "Looking sharp Zoro. You going to the island with chopper?" Usopp says.

"I guess so. I'm really going just for a few drinks, same as last time." He says. "I understand. Before you go, wanna try this new smell Luffy and I made. We call it EL COLONIA." Ussop says.

"It smells really good! Spray some on him!" Luffy says. Before Zoro could say no, he got a punch of spray.

He coughed and gagged before breathing again. "Ugh, thanks you two. But don't do that again." He says.

He made to the docs and saw chopper, jumping and happy to see him. He jumped into his arms and smiled. That's when Zoro saw the other figure with them.

"So you're here." Both zoro and sanji said to each other.

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