The Rise Of Voltron

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2 couples who go by the names, Ryusei Souma, Akemi Souma, Koichi Arakawa and Hiroko Arakawa, were on the Kerberos mission collecting ice samples.

Koichi: Easy, honey. This ice is delicate.

Hiroko: I know honey. This is exciting, isn't it.

Ryusei: You guys get a little more excited about ice samples than I do.

Akemi: Yes, this is history in the making. Not only have we traveled farther than any human ever has, but this ice cold holy microscopic clues about the existence of life outside Earth.

Hiroko: Think of it, Akemi. We could use those clues to become the first people to meet aliens.

Ryusei: My life's work would be complete. I'm sure our children would be proud.

The area around them began to rumble.

Ryusei: What is that? Seismic activity?

Koichi: We should get back to the ship.

Then a warship from the Galra Empire appears.

Koichi: Wha—? What is that?! It can't be...

Akemi: Run! Come on, run!

The 2 couples tried to run but are abducted.

Fast Forward To A Year Later

A year later, Kanata, Kengo and Ichika are on a simulated flight to Kerberos.

Kanata: Galaxy Garrison flight log 5-11-14. Begin descent to Kerberos for rescue mission.

Kanata jerks the simulator while descending.

Kengo: Augh. Kanata, can you keep this thing straight?

Kanata: Relax, Kengo, I'm just getting a feel for the stick. I mean it's not like I did this!

Kanata jerks the simulator again and Kengo groans.

Kanata: Or this!

Kanata jerks the simulator again and Kengo got even more annoyed.

Kengo: Okay... unless you want to wipe beef stroganoff out of all the little nooks and crannies in this thing, you'd better KNOCK IT OFF, MAN! This is a simulator and if we mess up, I swear to gos-

Then Ichika's monitor activates.

Ichika: We've picked up a distress beacon!

Kanata: All right, look alive, team! Ichika, track coordinates.

Ichika: Copy.

The simulator starts to rumble and alarms blare.

Kengo: Knock it off, Kanata, please!

Kanata: Oh this one's on you, buddy. We've got a hydraulic stabilizer out.

Kengo pulls up a monitor.

Kengo: Oh no—

Kanata: Oh, no—Fix now, argue later!

Ichika: I lost contact. The shaking is interfering with our sensors.

Kanata: Come on, Kengo!

Kengo: It's not responding.

Kengo unbuckles his seatbelt to fix the stabiliser. Then Kanata's monitor activates.

Kanata: Oh, never mind, fellas. Thar she blows. Preparing for approach on visual.

Ichika: I don't think that's advisable with our current mechanical and... gastrointestinal issues.

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