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(Idk lol I can't it's just plain out weird but I'm doing it)


The cool breeze blew against your face, laying on the soft grass next to a tree for shade. Surprisingly no challenges no noise, not even a mission to take care for from your friends. Was there always something up if it's quiet? No? Then no. Your friends are doing their own thing, even you as well?...

"Hm. Too quiet.. And I already feel bored too just by laying around... Hmph, I wonder Goku is back from Lord beerus place. Probably hit up for training." You hop right up moving your arms around sketching your legs. You look upon the lake right in front of your eyes. The clear water shimmer, sunlight gleam down looking like crystals shine within the lake. Things seem good.....

Before the disaster struck.

"Y/N!! GET UP" You barely open your eyes. Your body hurts, it felt peacefully before, why the shock through your body? Oh yeah.. You were wounded pretty bad. Who were you fighting? Who were up against to make you feel this way. Don't worry Goku and Vegeta can take care of it right?

"They're no signs of Goku and Vegeta, I tried calling whis but no luck!"

'What?.. '

"Y/n is unconscious, we don't have any senzu beans! They are gonna die if we don't get them up in time."


"We need to get out of here, the red army has a device it might go off any minute now if we don't hurry"

"We aren't leaving with out y/n! Can someone has the strength to carry them on their ba-"

Everything was interrupted by an explosion, ears ringing in them. You wanted to close your ears nothing can provoke your body to move. Hearing your friends calling out your name one last time before a white explosion covers the whole land space.. Nothing happen to your body, probably you were saved by your friends from that explosion. You felt eased knowing you are going to be alright, maybe you will make it alive. Your mind wonders you feel your body twitching. Has your whole body is starting to wake up? Is everyone alright?
No it's probably just you floatin as a soul wait are you?
  Your eyes open, you body muscles feel sore, numb, not wanting to move as you wanted to command it to. You stared at white abyss slowly turning into color. You feel like your falling.
'Am I having a vision. Is this a sign.' You ponder around your surroundings.  It feels slow, time here doesn't ring a bell to you floating around. No worries, no stress, no annoying vegetable man.

Then a voice echo through your thoughts.

"Wake up child, I'm sorry if this is sudden, you need to help my poor luma. It seems he lost his ways"

You open your mouth to speak... Nothing was said, just your thoughts.

"I know what are you thinking, unfortunately I do not sense your friends here, just you. You are having a vision but I'm speaking directly to you, your body is at the snow kingdom don't worry they are very friendly. "

You thought to process but it's hard to take in. Although, you were a anti hero types. Who knows these guys might be useful to get you back home.

"Also, I sense you are a powerful one. It seems your kind rare, normally we don't have anyone like you, I think you would be able to defeat b-"



"Yay we got them awake sire! "A penguin step off ice pedestal waddling over to their sire.
" ah! Very good, now since they are up. Get them dry, by the looks they are very cold,"
You look towards the penguin king. Who has a robe cover his entire body except for is head. Only his crown was on his head. He waddle over to you, inspecting you head to toe. "Hm we never seen you around before. You are tall" he poke your left side hip making you flinch.

"Hey!"you tried to get his attention.

He walks over to your hair, "and soft hair"

You tried to look for him but he appear besides her, "hm? "

"Okay it's official... You are a friend!"

Confused you are. He already considered you a friend. I guess they can be.. But the vision you had.. Was it real.

"Here you go! We don't see you as a threat. We saw your body near our sliding area. We thought it was a koopa troopa trying to bait us. But it seems you are complete fine." He tossed you a towel strangely the towel was very warm. Knowing you using it for your hair. You don't like cold water but snow you can deal with. The king babbler off the city, town, and the citizens here.

"Woah woah. You barely meet me and here you already accepted me as a friend?"

The king turn around, waddle up to you, "well do you have tension to destroy my kingdom? " he glares upward towards your face. Funny this cute seeing a penguin mad. "Hehe no I don't you guys are too cute to fight but sadly I have to go." You stand up brushing your self off.

"W-wait! You barely appear surely we wanted to know you! The citizens do want to see you if you are okay or not."

You stretch out your arms and legs,"sorry but I need to find my way home. If I don't get back something might happen. " you walked outside you decide to jump to fly up. You floated for a bit then dropping down.
"Oophm!!" Planted down into the snow. The king vastly waddle to your aid, "woah! Are you alright?"

You sat up, scratch your head, "huh. Strange my body won't respond to me. I can't fly upward"

The king thought for a moment.

"Well we did found you wounded. It took us 3 weeks to heal you. The battle wounds were severe, do you.. Remember anything that day? Were you in a fight with bowser?"

"No? Never heard a Bowser before. But I do remember being out the whole as my friends called out for me... The rest is just haze. All I remember we were battling the red army.. And my friends escape but here we are. "
  A hummed from the king, he felt sorrow for the fallen one who ended here. "Then may I ask your name. If I know anyone of your species I'll ask!"

"Oh it's y/n*smiles*y/n l/n, I'm a saiyan! A warrior with pride! " you struck a posed fishing up in the air. As the penguin king in awed seeing a idol at work. "Then you probably need to speak to princess toadstool peach! She can help you get home. She is like you but.. More pink!"

"Oh? Princess? I guess I am in a different world huh. Hmm. I'll maybe consider it, but I'm more like a work alone type," they smiled as he return one as well.

"Sire! Sire!" A citizen with a Helmet slide up to them stopping their tracks.

"Yes? What is it?"he grown concern of this outburst.

" Bowser is heading this way! Our cooligan warns us, he is after the star."
"Oh no.. Tell the men to get ready, " the king turn to y/n"I know we just met. But can you please tell the citizens to evacuate! Say cold blue"
"O-oh okay I'll do that. After that I'll help out."


(Will they?)

Aaa I feel weird writing this but I might be hook on this lol, first time writing this. I'll make more just for the hell of it.

"you cant escape me" from my feelings~♥︎♥︎Where stories live. Discover now