chapter 2 frenemies/green pal

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Frenemies. .

(I saw this on Twitter made by infinithiez it's so cool and pretty!!)
[The reader is same height as peach sorry I forgot to add that detail 😭]

It feel like hours, being in the cage, you been transported to the prisoners spot below lava glowed throughout whole room. Giggle of laughter of a certain creature sound of children Laughter.

"Lovely fresh meat! Today we suffer together" this blue Star creature refer to you of course. But you were focus on the king near you, "sorry for giving up back there, you were so nice to help me. I'll make it up for getting you out."

The penguin king sighed, "I don't mind of your hopes and forgiveness I appreciate. At least my people are safe from the Cluckests of Bowser, who knows what will happen. . I guess you have limits also, " you sigh in frustration.

"I'm not normally like this you know.. I would broke this cage and stop him, but now I think how my friend feels, when he tried to control his body it won't listen to him, I think that's what is happening to me if I don't rest up or be easy on myself" they chuckled a bit. "Plus, I do miss home now, hehe I miss being scold by my friend saying I shouldnt be lazy. " they laughed at the memory laying down in the cage as if they nothing to do. The king hummed in response then spoke again, "they seem a good friend to you y/n, they will be glad to have you on your side.. Not now but you knew what I mean."

Y/n nodded, "yeah.... To be honest I wasn't this ni-" they were Intrupted by someone opening the doors. It was that wizard looking one.

"Bring them here" as he demand a koopa in a machine grabbed y/n cage.

"Y-y/n? " the king shouted feeling worried for his friend. As they turn to smiled signaling that they would be okay.

"Hmmm. Our master has sign you up to someone, don't worry he would take care of you" he laughed mischievous as letting out y/n from the cage. Y/n slowly stepped out stretching out their arms and legs. "Ow, geeze wizard next time make the cage bigger." The wizard point with his staff in their face. "Shush! It's kamek the great wizard, but for now call me kamek. Now come with me don't get any ideas running off," as he walked into the hallway. Y/n stared at him slowly walked, "okay come on" y/n picks him up, "hey! Put me down!" As he struggle under their grasp trying to point his staff at them, "just tell me where to go. You were walking slow old-.. Kamek" they corrected them selves as kamek hops on their shoulders "we don't speak of this!... But keep going straight"

The both of them head down of the hallway, making a few turns here and there. Y/n wonders how big this castle is since it had so many dungeons, plus a cafeteria somehow. Even a battle ship that is being worked on. Many soldiers saw kamek on y/n shoulders as y/n was leading the way. "Get back to work every one! " kamek shouted as the koopas stumble straight to work as they were caught staring.

"Okay stay right here." Kamek hops off using rod to make a broom appear flying off who knows where, as y/n wonder why he could done that and not just letting them carried him on their shoulders.

As they waited for kamek to come back she notice a couple of koopas trying to pick up a box full of scrap metal. Then a bigger koopa comes in to help but ending up failing to pick up the box. "I told you it's heavy!" "Oh shush you! You small koopas can't even lift smaller box" y/n walk over to them, "hey can I help you guys?" The bigger one look at y/n and laughed as well the koopas, "you help us? I bet you are gonna hurt you back picking this up! How can you do it your just a human!" He laughed as y/n scroff, "I'm not human turtle. You should watch it or I'm not helping," he chuckled as he stepped outta the way, even the other koopas did too wanting to see how plan this out.

Y/n grab the hold of the box as they struggled to lift it the koopas start laughin. "See I told you! No one can l-li.. Ft.. The.. Box" as y/n used her strength what ever is left manage to pick it up putting it over their shoulders, "there! Wow took me a while so where you want this at?, " most of the koopas were shock who ever is near them. Then kamek clapped, "wonderful strength from a human. We never seen anyone left these crates full of bullet bills." Y/n looked annoyed, "I appreciate that comment but I'm not-" kamek spoke up, "alright general blue shell, this is who are going to be with. Bowser orders. If any trouble from them reported right away." Y/n look at kamek in confusion. Then saw kamek where was looking for see a blue shell turtle... Or koopa.. The blue one salute in honor nodding in response,"I'll make sure they won't escape under our noses. If they have any information I'll let Bowser know." Kamek nodded, "good! Now human you be better be a good help to us. Don't make Lord Bowser regret it" then he disappeared. Leaving y/n here holding the box on their shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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