chapter 1 arriving/obeying

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As the little buds running around to shape up the battle, you evacuate the citizens making sure they escape safely. They tried to get every little to their parents as they slide away from the battle to a safe village nearby. Then they saw ashes falling from the sky, at first they thought it was snow...

Turn out it wasn't snow.
"Ashes.. " as they look back seeing a big floating island floating down toward the kingdom.

"Wow! That is huge.." They gasped forgetting about the king. They started to running. The ice is slippery seeing the the king being captured.

Bowser pov:

My floating kingdom stops, knowing we set foot on ice king my koopa troops took the lead getting ready for me to appear. I sat up from throne as I grinned knowing I be able to have this star alone to my self.

I smirk idea, getting off from throne heading down stairs slowly heading towards to the door.

I heard kamek yelled out, "behold! The king of the koopas! " I came with power and no fear showing them who is boss! Wow I'm so cool look at me!!

I heard kamek yelled out, "behold! The king of the koopas! " I came with power and no fear showing them who is boss! Wow I'm so cool look at me!!

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See that! Who is the handsome fella! I-i *clears throat* I walk down those stairs, going in front of everyone passing by kamek. As I stood, before me was the ice ice kingdom gates. I smirk, having the feel to urge to burn it down.

"Open the gates!!" My voice boom enough to let the those tiny little penguins hear me from the other side. The gates open revealing army of runts. I smirked knowing I would win.

"ATTACK!" I watch them he pointed at specifically at me. I stood there seeing them trying to take at hit by those weak snow balls. I mean look at them! They are so small!! I can drop them off from a cliff (lol see what I did there)

As the bring out a catapult having a big chuck of ice. I smiled at them it's not even aim at me. They managed to cut down the ropes missing me ending up hitting one of my troops.

They panted as the king spoke out, " that is but a taste of our fury! " he glared at me. "Do you yield?" I let a chuckle as he threatened me if I yield by his (fearsome) cuteness.

I breathe, "I do not" as I look towards to kamek, he uses power to levitate them off the ground throwing them to the side. The troops handle the rest of them. As soon as I about to head up the king of those pesky penguins shouted, "W-we have a friend! And if you take down our kingdom they will defend us!!" I stopped my tracks glance at him, as blue shell my second command general of the koopas holding him back, "oh yeah? And where is this friend of yours?? " I smirked knowing they probably run off due to me being awesomely handsome scary.

The king grunted tryin to break free, he hasn't said anything. He thought to process then he open his mouth but blue shell spoke, "shut your beak, we don't see your Ally anywhere else" I laugh knowing they did left.

I burn down the kingdom, it melted down to my feet, feeling the ice turn to water.

We gaze upon on the question block, I hit down the block, revealing me the power up star. Glowing brightly it slowly to glow down a bit. I laughed. "I FINALLY FOUND IT!! " by getting excited I didn't know who was in the distance, " AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME!!"

Then I heard a voice.

"hey! You lizard breathe!" It was a human! I thought peach was only human on this world.

"Huh?! W-who are you?! " I growled angrily I notice they called me lizard breathe.
"Wow you are pretty strong! Why don't leave those Penguins alone. Or I have to make you guys go."

Everything went silent then all my troops and I laughed.

"Y-you r-really can't stop me?! BWAHAHAHA!!" I laughed as long my troops then I wasn't prepare being HIT BY THE FACE!! It was out of no where. It felt like they flew towards me or teleported a soon I stumble back falling to the ground on my shell. My whole troops gasped.

"I warn you, come on get up I want to see if you are powerful to take me head on!" The give me a cocky smiled. I growled getting up like no problem I gotta admit they are brave to take me head on! They probably be good used to my army.

I grinned at that idea. "Well if you say so what happens if i.. " I show her towards the penguin king "I don't want to." Kamek uses his magic to crush the penguin king.

Reader's pov:

I see the king being crush by unknown force as he winced in pain trying to act tuff. "W-woah! That's playing out dirty sir!" The koopa smirked, "are you gonna stop it? He is right there." Normally i don't get into people's business but this penguin and his people saved me. "What will happen if I dont? Will he died? Or you are probably bluffing, " bowser wasn't expecting the response. Although he didn't care. "I'll let him and his troops go if you join my army" without hesitation, "done! But one condition, you are going to help me get home."

The king grunted, as he tries to speak, "n-no y/n! Y-you cant!"
Bowser chuckled darkly, "good." He nods to kamek.
Kamek drops the king down, as he used his powers on me. I was quick enough to react but I couldn't moved. As I heard bowser chuckled darker than before. "You think I'll let them go? You are so naive! Bring them in next mushroom Kingdom!!"
It's been.. 4 minutes being in this enchanted cage to keep me from running as I near the king koopa himself on his throne. I huffed in defeat, I was itching a fight tho. He seems powerful.. Enough to fight with. But the star seems he has.. I don't sense any power left. As I sat there with my legs cross even arms.

"How you feeling in this enchanted cage kamek. Made himself." He teased knowing I can't escape. I glared at him, "wow it gives me a first class experience. No I don't sir" he laughed that I didn't like it.
"Well get used to it! I'll call in my troops later but now I'm going to ask you questions." He said with a dark tone of voice.

"Question one. Where did you come from, since I am going to help you. I know you are gonna over throw me one day. So why not ask?"

He leans closer to my cage like to threaten me. I probably play along, it's been a while since I had some actual fun back in the day.. Although.. I wanted to go home so why not play along it's a one time thing. "Hm well I don't know what planet I'm on now nor.. Universe.. I live on earth.. What else... Oh! I was in middle.. Ooooff... Wow to be honest I don't where, I was wounded then next thing I was at the snow snow kingdom. Which you destory"

He looked at me and laughed like I was bluffing. Then he stop as he took a look at my face.

"Wait.. You aren't lying? Then you be my own personal pal on my future plans! Right now I need to gather everyone here!"

Blue shell pov:

(Let's called him blue for short lol)

"Did you see that human punched Lord Bowser like nothing! I never seen no one stronger than him have a nerve to stand up to him."

I listen to my troops talking about the new prisoner. I don't care about gossiping but the human seem to have guts I respect that.

"Yeah! Despite them wanted a fight from Lord Bowser.. I'm still shook by them, what if they over throw our king? Or worse rule the world!"

I slammed down my cup as I got up to turn to them, "don't estimate our king, he could defeat them doesn't matter how strong they are." Then I see one my troops raise their hand.

"W-what if they do. What are we gonna do then?" Then my third command re shell aka patch, he has one patch on his left eye. "So what! Kamek and blue are next in line, if those two are gone then I'll be in command to take them on!" Everyone cheered as I sighed. At least their doubts are gone.. To be honest I thought peach was the only one human in this world.


"Everyone we have a meeting!!"

"you cant escape me" from my feelings~♥︎♥︎Where stories live. Discover now