Chapter 8

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Bravery had flat out refused to come at first. Finally, Honor promised to take over his chores cleaning up after meal time for the next week to get him to agree. He wasn't about to let his objections go, however.

Nothing good can come from Coral wanting your "discreet" friends, he railed as they approached Coral's cave.

We can hear her out, Free waved his hand. She can't make us do anything we don't want to.

Absence can weigh more than presence. Little impulsive Shimmer was supposed to be here to goad Bravery into it. She should be pouting or teasing Bravery for being old and boring. Then Honor would reign her in and they would reach a happy medium. How were they supposed to function without her? Free's placid demeanor did nothing to make up for it. It was calming to have someone older and steady with them, but this was the kind of situation where Honor wanted to be on edge. Steady can bring peace, but it can also bring complacency.

I'm definitely not going in there, Bravery halted outside Coral's cave. Honor was beginning to wonder how she dealt with him before Shimmer started tagging along everywhere.

She has glowing plants in there. You should see it, she beckoned. Also, I don't think discreet includes loitering outside her cave for no particular reason.

I wonder how she got them. They usually grow in deeper water than this, Free wandered inside.

You know she doesn't actually eat fry, right? Honor teased, but Bravery just glowered at her as he followed them.

The creepy green glow had grown familiar and even somewhat cozy in the last few weeks. It was still dark outside, so she mercifully needed little time for her eyes to adjust to the change in light. Coral was already there, putting away all of the left overs from earlier. All of Coral's supplies were meticulously organized, probably to give her some feeling of control. Normally Honor humored this eccentricity, but she could see the comfort now in always having your things in the exact place you wanted them. Coral turned and slowly looked Bravery and Free up and down. Her clouded eyes lingered on Free, whose brown striations betrayed him as a Traveler and outsider.

You promise that they can be trusted?

Yes, Honor answered after waiting for Coral to look her way. Free was resourceful and knowledgeable, so she included him in their clandestine meeting, but she worried that he would be too responsible for whatever Coral had in mind. The fact that none of the Elders were here confirmed Honor's suspicions that they needed secrecy because it was not shoal-approved. Bravery could be trusted completely, no matter how much he complained.

Do you boys know how magic works? Coral flicked her tail to place herself higher than the two of them in the water, forcing them both to look up at her.

Bravery had never been so close to Coral before. Since they entered the cave his eyes locked onto the scars criss-crossing the old woman's body. Honor planned to give him a good pinch as soon as Coral looked away.

I know that it's difficult and not generally condoned. Free was watching Coral's every move with close consideration.

It's difficult because you need the life essence of whoever you work magic on. Usually, you can't get that without harming someone. The night's events had drained Coral. Her slow hands fumbled slightly with the words, but she pushed on.

There aren't many nice things you can do with magic either, the abrupt motions of Free's fingers showed his skepticism.

There are a few useful healing magics, but generally you're right. That's why I need your promise to absolute secrecy. I won't force you to do anything, but I do ask that you promise not to stand in the way of the rest of us. Bravery and Honor looked to Free. The two of them had been together since they hatched, and knew what the other would say. Free gave a slight assenting flutter of his fingers.

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