Chapter 3

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You're alive! Bravery waved his arms wildly as he swam toward Honor.

Of course I am, Honor clicked, trying to laugh off his real concern.

When you didn't come back to the circle I was worried. Honor had skipped the rest of the evening gathering. Her visit to Coral had been too much to take in, and he wasn't sensitive enough to understand. She had tried to figure out how to deal with this inevitable conversation, but she wasn't sure how to explain her mixture of pity and awe, so she had put it off as long as possible.

She had simply wandered until she was expected to turn up for her chores in the kelp fields again. They were in the process of planting a new field, and a bed of rocks spread out far around around them. It was the discouraging part. For days the Sea People had worked on hauling and arranging rocks. After all that hard work, they still had to do the entirety of the planting. Honor preferred faster, more obvious results.

It was amazing, Honor signed quickly to her friends. She grows these animals that look like plants in that cave. I even saw one eat fish. Did you know that she makes medicine?

Where did you think it came from? Bravery responded with a click. He was lounging nearby on a rock, examining a stone knife that he had been slowly chipping to a sharp edge. Recently he had been assigned to more hunting expeditions, so he wasn't on kelp duty. Now that he was on the verge of adulthood and hunting more frequently, he had decided he wanted his own tools.

She was interesting, but so sad, Honor ignored him, not wanting to admit she had never thought about it.

It was scary, Shimmer had firmly placed herself at Honor's side. The younger fry were learning the details of planting kelp, and Shimmer was determined to learn from Honor and Bravery.

A little, Honor admitted. She paused for a moment. I don't think she meant to be. I think something is wrong with her mind.

Anyone could have told you that, Bravery quipped as he made another couple of small strikes to the knife with a rock.

No, really, Honor tried to sort through her thoughts to coherently explain what she meant, but every time she tried to grasp one it slipped away. I think she's sick.

Rather than attempt to elaborate further, Honor nestled a seedling into the bed of rocks. After making sure it was secure, she put out her hand for another. Shimmer quickly placed another in her outstretched hand. Once again, the seedling found a place among the rocks they had spread out across the field in the previous days.

Did you see the Travelers? Shimmer fidgeted with excitement and didn't notice that Honor needed another seedling. Sea Witch stories and Travelers in one day were the epitome of excitement in her young life.

Already? Honor had missed their approach in her wanderings. They must have come from the other direction, which disappointed her. Their arrival was always festive, with old friends greeting each other and showing wares from other parts of the sea. There would still be time for those things during their visit, but there was nothing like the atmosphere of their arrival.

Free was with them,  Bravery taunted. He was going to make the most of this opportunity to tease Honor.

Of course he was. Where else would he be? Honor tried to feign nonchalance. Free, the beautiful Traveler boy, had spent nearly his whole last visit with Honor. He probably had a favorite girl in every shoal, but the attention was still flattering.

I know where he is now, Shimmer offered. I just saw him a little while ago.

Poor Shimmer was in a stage of girlhood where romance was paramount and love conquered all, but experience was still far off for her. She had no inkling that sometimes flirtations weren't serious or relationships would never work.

No, we need to work now. Hand me another. Shimmer visibly drooped and passed her yet another young plant.

The three of them continued with their work, mostly without communication, except for the occasional prompt for Shimmer to pay attention. A rhythm of work descended upon them, causing the minutes to pass smoothly like pearls on a string.

Suddenly Shimmer poked Honor in the side to get her attention, and pointed at a young man approaching them, only slightly older than Bravery and Honor.

You're back! Honor signed with delight, not even thinking of consequences that would come in the form of teasing from Bravery.   

Free, like the rest of the Travelers, was a muddy brown color, as opposed to the gray of Honor's shoal. Similar stripes ran across his back, but he still stuck out in the homogeneity of Honor's shoal. His body was long and lean. A necklace of shark teeth drew the eye toward his strong chest and shoulders.

I missed you at our arrival, Free signed in response. Honor felt her gills pumping more quickly under his gaze. His shoulders had gotten broader since his last visit, and she could clearly see the muscles in his arms now. Even his name was attractive. The Travelers had a poetic bent, and it showed in the names of their children.

Shimmer, noticing Honor's discomfort, clicked with mirth. Honor shot her a look of feigned irritation and turned her attention back to him.

I was with one of our elders, she ducked her head on the pretense of depositing another seedling in among the rocks but really wanted to show that she could be calm and unperturbed by his attention.

Shimmer, would you mind getting me some food? I'm starving, their guest asked in a pleasantly pleading manner. I'll help Honor for you. Reticent at being dismissed by the older fry, Shimmer didn't sign anything, just slowly drifted away. It was very rude to refuse guests, especially older ones, but her refusal to say anything still bordered on it. Honor made a mental note to reprimand her later.

I didn't want to worry the little one, his eyes flicked over to Shimmer's receding form, but I need to talk to the two of you. One of our elders was captured by humans.

They didn't throw him back? Bravery asked. Like most sea creatures, they did end up in humans nets on occasion. Usually, humans would let them go. The Eldest said that fisherman were sensible and didn't want to anger the ocean goddess while at sea. Of course, there were the unlucky few, like Coral, who were kept. She was the only one to ever return.

No, he waved his hand. And we're not the only shoal it's happened to recently. North of here there's a shoal with three members missing.

You think they're doing it intentionally? Honor's eyes grew wide.

Three people from one shoal is no accident, Bravery replied grimly. Our Eldest will be talking to yours about it, but I wanted to make sure you knew. Be careful. Free shot Honor a serious look. They aren't much closer to shore than you are.

It feels like the world is getting more dangerous, all at once. Honor couldn't help but think of Coral's ruined life. Even though she had been luckier than the rest of the taken, some wounds would never heal.

No, Free signed slowly. The danger has always been there. You were just always protected, like we're protecting Shimmer now.

You are old enough now to know the dangers of the world. No one had noticed the Eldest's approach until she was in their midst. Her hands gestured slowly, but firmly. Good to see you enjoying the company of our fine fry, Traveler.

Thank you for your generosity, Free nodded in respect to the Eldest. As always, your shoal has been most welcoming.

Would you mind if I borrowed Honor for a few minutes? she gestured for the girl to follow her. Honor handed the seedling she was holding to Free.

I'll be right back, she signed into his hand before she withdrew. He gave the tiniest nod of acknowledgement.

You're in trouble, Bravery wiggled his fingers to show he was teasing. Honor gave a dismissive wave of her hand and followed the Eldest.


What do you think the Eldest wants to talk about? And what do you think of Free, the nomadic flirt?


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