Chapter 7

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Horror washed over Honor in hot, painful waves as she watched the net being hauled onto the deck. Bravery emerged beside her, water dripping down his face and off his chin.

They've got Shimmer! she gasped for air, even though for once she was surrounded by it.

He reached back, knife still in his hand. With a flick he let it fly, watching as it twisted end over end. With a loud bang it hit the side of the ship. Bravery, unused to throwing things through the air, splashed the water in frustration.

Despite Bravery's failure, others started following his example. Knives, stones, and other weapons went sailing in a wild volley through the air. One spear made it to the deck, but didn't seem to strike anything. A few fry even tried hurling rocks at the ship, although it it served no purpose other than venting their frustration.

They all had the same problem as Bravery. All of their hunting experience was beneath the waves, and throwing through the air was nothing like throwing through the water. Their aim was wild. One spear even went sailing over the deck completely.

A human watched them, lazily observing their struggle as if it had no impact on him. His face looked lumpy and misshapen to the smooth-faced Honor and odd growths emerged from the side of his head and from his face. How could he watch so calmly while two shoals were ripped apart? Burning hot rage coursed through her veins as she shot an aggressively rude gesture at him. He made no move that he understood.

Go get more weapons! Rocks! Anything! Honor signed to a nearby pair of fry, who immediately sunk beneath the waves.

There was no way the shoal could keep up for very long, even sending fry down for more projectiles. Honor's stone didn't even reach the ship. It hit the water with a plop several feet short of its destination. Still, they continued to follow until the ship was a small speck on the horizon.

Free reappeared at her side. Honor had lost him in the chaos, and she idly wondered where he had been. Not that it really mattered. He put an arm around her and gently shepherded her over to Bravery. They exchanged a few subdued signs, but the meaning didn't penetrate through the clouds in her mind. With one swimming on each side of her, they led her back toward home.

A huge swath of barren land stretched out in front of them. The trawling net hadn't left anything behind. Areas that had been lush and green were now just sand and pebbles. Just a few hours before there had been food and wild growth that had housed many of the ocean's smaller animals. With one swipe it was all destroyed.

Both shoals had divided into their own as they tried to figure out who was missing. The Eldest had fortunately been spared and was delivering rapid directions to the Sea People around her. The sight was familiar and comforting. Bravery squeezed her shoulder.

Bravery, find and count the fry. I want to know who's missing. Keep them together. Honor, I need you to go get Coral. A few people got hurt in the attack. If she argues tell her I don't care about her antisocial tendencies. This is an emergency.

Ma'am, Bravery put his hand to his forehead in respect. I don't think Honor's up to it.

The Eldest looked straight at her with cloudy gray eyes. It gave her a look as though she wasn't quite focused on what was in front of her.

No, I can do it, Honor answered. The fog that seems to surround her kept the whole situation from hurting. If she could fight her way out of the fuzziness Shimmer would be gone and her home destroyed, but she was warm and safe in her mental cocoon.

As she swam away it fully dawned on Honor what she was going to have to do. She shot a panicked look back to Bravery and the Eldest, but neither of them were looking her way anymore. Even now she could feel Coral's fingers digging into her wrist at their first meeting.

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