Chapter 6

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Honor exploded to the surfacing, gasping for air. Seconds later, Free emerged beside her, scattering water droplets.

The moon was just short of full, as if someone had shaved off the smallest sliver. The ocean stretched out in front of them in all directions, with only a slight ripple from the wind marring the otherwise perfect placidity. Above the water their vision blurred a little, making Honor want to rub her eyes constantly, as though she could wipe away the distortion.

The breeze felt cold and slightly harsh against Honor's scales, and she inwardly cursed Shimmer, Bravery, and the rest of her nosy shoal. With the Traders visiting, she felt like there was nowhere to go where she wasn't surrounded. The surface was the best they could do for privacy, although it made her gills burn from so much oxygen.

We're going to keep going south. I don't know when we'll be back, Free signed. I think the Elders are going to wait until the problems with the humans are finished.

You think it will stop? Honor couldn't help but notice his furrowed brow.

What could they possibly want with so many Sea People? We're pretty useless on land, he replied, although his finger movements were unsure.

They must have a reason, or they wouldn't be doing it. Mentally Honor cringed at her disagreement. It was his last night and they should talk about something more pleasant.

I agree, but it isn't as though we can follow them. It's best to just stay safe and see what happens.

She studied Free's face for a moment. Aside from his eyes and mouth, it was completely smooth. He had the clear black eyes of youth. Every feature was perfectly formed, from his wide, friendly mouth to his perfectly sculpted shoulders. His wet scales glittered with an ethereal sheen in the moonlight.

You could come with us. He looked her straight in the eye. His gaze unnerved her, and Honor thought she might completely lose the ability to breathe,

Don't be silly, she ducked her head to break eye contact. I can't leave my shoal.

I know, he replied. The moonlight played on the waves in a way that they never had the chance to see under the water.

But it's fun to think about, isn't it? Running away and doing whatever we liked. Maybe that should be Honor's story for the evening circle. A boy and a girl from two different shoals run away into the wild ocean together. They should start with a dramatic meeting. So many possibilities for romance and action.


Sorry, I was thinking about a story. Not that I've had much time to practice lately.

Maybe you'll be ready the next time we come by.

Maybe, but Honor wasn't so sure she would ever master the complex, artistic motions that the storytellers used. Every time she tried it seemed like her limbs just became one big knot.

The wind was cold and her gills were really starting to bother her now, so Honor slid back into the sea far enough to bring her gills just under the surface of the water. Suddenly she felt Free brush her arm and she righted herself.

Do you see that? A small, barely discernible speck floated off in the distance. Between the air distorting her vision and the moonlight it was hard to discern, but there was certainly something creating a black smudge on the clear line between water and sky.

Maybe it's a cloud. It could even be a whale, Honor squinted, but it did nothing to help her make out the details.

I'm going to check it out. It's probably nothing, Every muscle in his body was taut, betraying his real concern. In one swift move meant he ducked below the water.

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