My heart only beat for you ~ 1

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In a winter morning , snow flakes covered the streets, trees shed their leaves and standing like a dead tree. An alarm distrubed the beauty sleep of a 5 yrs old boy . When he tried to stopped the alarm and try to go to sleep again. But before that someone snatched his blanket and cold wind hit his skin make him whines.

??: Amma, why are you took my blanket?

??: Bcuz my baby going to school first time.

??: But ma, why I have to go to school?

??: If you go to school and study well you can take good care of me and appa.

?? Really,

??: Yes, you're a goodboy right. You will take care of us, aren't you ?

??; yes, I will take care of you and appa

??: That's my boy. Now get up and get ready.

??: where is my morning kiss ,

??: come here.

( he closed his eyes and he placed a soft kiss on his son's cheeks when he opened his eyes his ma was no where to found he starts to shout his name but he was already gone.)

?? Ammmmma....... ( he screamed while wake up and found himself in his own room with his racing heart and heavy breath and his father was sat next to him caressed his cheeks on his right side.)

?? Again you saw that dream.

??I missing him.( he said while hugging his father)

?? I'm also ( he said with a sigh)

?? Ok, leave it. You have to get ready to school. And I'm going to make your breakfast. ( He said with a weak voice)

??: No pa, I 'll manage my breakfast. Tae said he brings break fast for me too.( he lied not to make his Father strain.

?? Are you sure? ( he nodded while a soft smile.

Yes, He was Park Jimin . And his father was a teacher named Park Namjoon. And the one who Jimin saw in his dream was his mom Park soekjin who was passed 3 years ago. From that day both father and son duo started to mis Jin. By his loss Namjoon's health condition became low. But he have a responsibility to grew up his son. So held jis life in his hand.

What happened next? Please wait to see.

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