My heart only beat for you

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     A boy with grey hair walking back and forth impatiently at hallway infront the block.   Its seems  like he is waiting for someone with a tensed expression. That's when he hear his bestfriend shouting his name.

?? : Tae Tae...

Tae:  Oh! God Jimin why are you being clumsy.  No one saw you right.

Jimin:  Oh! No tae no one was saw. I was escaped before they saw me.

       Well, these two guys skip their prayer session  because Jimin's shoe is torn. If the PE teacher saw him yhen he'll punish him. That's why he escaped from prayer. Tae also skips prayer just for his best friend.   They entered their class and saw someone torn the books of someone in a front row.  They thought for a while and took torn page of a book.  It shows a name label "Jeon Jungkook "

Jimin: Who is that Jeon guy? You know him?

Tae:  yeah! The one who sit in the first bench and sit silently.

Jimin:  Oh! I see.

Tae: Jiminah! Let's to washroom before class starts.

Jimin: (nodding his head and went out with him)

Representative: "Where did they gone in prayer? Seems like they are in classroom. Maybe someone is not feeling well among the two" (he thought himself while looking at the duo 's fading figure.

    When the duo come imside the class, they saw their teacher glaring at them.  They looking at each other with confusion, when their teacher began to talk.

Mrs. Kang: Look guys who are here. Our class VIPs Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin. The book rippers.(their eyes gone wide and got confused. Again Mrs.  Kang speaks)

Mrs.  Kang: Jimin Jungkook complained on you that you torn his books.

Jimin: Who said  that i do that?

Rep: Its me. I saw you guys came out of class when i reach class after prayers.  If you not do that then what areyou doing in the class.

(Jimin is a typw of of person who does not like whom accused him fake. He  gets anger but Tae controlled him).

Mrs. Kang:  Say it. What are you doing in  the class?

(Jimin didn't want say that his shoes were torn.  Bcoz he.know his father's  condition. So he stayed silent. Tar looked him with worried face ).

Mrs. Kang: So i can take your silent as yes. GET OUT from my class.

Tae: But mam...
(Before tae going to say some thing Jimin already left the class and lean on the outside wall. Meanwhile, Jk excused himself and went to washroom. When he return he saw Jimin. He took a glance when he crossed  Jimin. Both shared an eye contact .)

Jk thought: Jerk

Jm thought: Drama Kimg

Then jk go to the class.

See you soon :)

Please wait for  nxt episode:)

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