My heart only beat for you

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       After Jimin and Jk hanging out together they bid their goodbyes with each other.  Jimin standing at the gate of his house. His became sudden off after seeing a granular car at the entrance.  He was fighting with his thoughts about going inside or not. But muster up his courage he took some heavy steps towards his small house.

  (Imagine Jimin's house is looking like this)

It was an old apartment with three floors.  There three families living for years. Namjoon was thr rightful owner of this apartment. And also they earn some money through the other 2 families' rent.  Jimin also earn some money by guiding tourists, sending some lyrics to newspaper and ad companies and  works in amusement park inside a teady costume. 

    Jimin took a deep breath before open the door. Sound of door gaining the attention of two middle aged men sitting while discussing something in the living room.

    " Uhm ... hi uncle, annyeonghaseyo", he said while bowing at the man next to his father.

     " oh! Hi Jimin ah, how are you? the man said to him. "I'm fine uncle " the later said.

    " Min come and sit here! " Namjoon said . The younger obeyed his father's words and sat next to him.

     " Uhm.. Uncle Why are you here all of sudden?  is anything serious? " the younger asked.
     " * Sigh* It's about your uncle.  He  never accept that he changed your property papers and claiming your dad's share as his" the man said.
Jimin take a glance at his dad and back to his uncle. Namjoon was silent and looking at the ground.

    " How is this possible uncle? He was the one who cheated my father.  How can he claiming dad's property as his", the young told withgrotted teeth.

    " Min don't getting angry" Namjoon said

    " How can I dad?", Jimin growled.

    " Jimin", namjoon said in a serious way 

      Actually namjoon had a land of 15 acres. It was his dad's property of 30 acres.  He divided into two and gave it to his two sons. But namjoon's brother used his land in a useless business and lost his land. But that greedy old man planned to get namjoon land. So he started to claiming namjoon's share as his.  He has power and know powerful person, but namjoon was a poor person.  So he can't oppose them , at the some he can't leave his rights on the land.  So he  asked help from his friend to won the case named Mr. Shin.
      "But we can't  stay like this dad. Are you willing that? We have to do somethings to get our land back"  the younger said.

      " No Jimin.  We have to honest. We don't have to do cunning things" namjoon said .

      " If you speaking like this, we can't win over them. Whatever I'll go" Mr shin said and went out.

        " We have to do something" Jimin think in jis mind while entre into his roon.




           SEE YOU


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