My heart only beat for you

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       It was a Wednesday  morning.  Another horrible day for Jimin.   When he enter in the class everyone looked at him with a judgemental look. It made him more upset.  But he didn't show in his face and went to his desk with Tae.   Jimin was pissed after the incident with  JK.  Meanwhile Jk was also mad at Jimin. Tae didn't liked the behaviour of Jimin.   Because Tae only knew the brave Jimin not a silent Jimin. So he planned something.

      Why are you being like this Jiminah?  I can't see my soulmate like this?  He was a understandable boy even at 10.  He is the kind of boy who does not accept the mistake that didn't done by him. I will do something to prove you Jiminah.

    Why is my life like this?  Life sucks.   Oneside my dad worked hard for me. Otherside someone blamed for something I didn't done.   Tae was also  suffered by me. What Will I do now?  No. No. No. Why are you lamenting  Jimin.  You have to be strong  and brave. You are the only one who can protect your  dad after you grown up. You can't be broke.
(He convinced himself like this when someone called his name when he turn around he saw Tae, Jk and Max )

Tae: Jiminah?

Jimin: Tae! What are you doing here? Where did you  gone? I thought you might take a leave today.

Tae: No Jimin ah I'm present today. But I went to do a detective work to prove the innocence of my soulmate.

Jimin: what are you blabbering? Why did you brought them with you?

Tae: Well Jimin and Jk. Please listen me carefully.   He was Max our classmate . He was the one who  torn your book and Jimin acqised for his mistake. And you(pointing Jk ) think before do something.  (Jk was lower his head)

   Hearing Tae  Jimin become angry and asked to Max.

Jimin: Why are you doing that? I want an explain right now . (Cold yet scary tone)

Max.:  I.I .. I'm sorry Ji..Jimin.   its...not my fault.  I didn't  do this on purpose. They dared me to do this.  They threatned me to torn a book of a silent boy in our class. That's why I do that.(he said with fear )

Jimin: who? Seniors? (Max nods) If they bully you again go and complaint about them to principal.

Max: but...

Jimin: No buts. If they ask you say I'm the one who said to complaint them . (no one dared to go against Jimin  becuz everyone know about his anger and his piercing gaze make the opponent's pants wet).  (Max nods and left) And you ,  like him say think before you do. Got it.

Jk: I'm  s...sorry.(only word he said)

Jimin: (nods and left with tae)
   Jk stood their and silently and sighs in guilty.


See you soon:)

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