My heart only beat for you

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It was a mid-day break in Jimin's school. His teacher was absent. So, they started to go out. Jimin came to the garden and seeing here and there randomly to kill the time. He was alone 'coz Tae was sick and absent that day. He was getting irritated by loneliness. But someone's voice interrupts him. He raised his head to saw the owner of voice and gets surprised as well anmoyed after seeing the person.

Jm: What are you doing here? What do you want?

Jk: What? I came here to gave you company but your are scolding me. (Pouts)

Jm: (rolled eyes) am I asked you to give me a company? Huh? Get lost.

Jk: Seems like you're mad at me, Aren't you? See I misunderstood you. Im really sorry. I won't do that again .

Jm: Keep your Sorry. I don't need.

Jk: Hey! I'm sorry yah. Please.

Jm: (annoying sigh) What do you want?

Jk: Let's forget the bitter past. Let's start new . Will you be my friend?

Jm: Do you think I will say yes? No way now get lost.

Jk: Do you also think I will gave up? Never I will make you my friend one day. Take this as a challenge.

Jm: confident? Hmm? Let's see.

Jk: Yes.

Jm: crazy

From that day jk started to chase Jimin for asking his friendship. But seems like Jimin never gave up on his decision. Jk also not tired of trying.

Jk: Jiminnnnn...(shouted while running)

Jm: What did he want now?(mumbles)

Tae: Min seems like he won't leave you untill you accept his friendship proposal.

Jm: He was insane. Let's go.

Jk: (stop jm by holding his hand) Hey! I calling you but you go away.

Jm:(jerked his hands) Are you crazy or something? Huh? Why are always chasing me? Don't you have any other world to do? Huh?

Jk: It's my work Jimin. To make you agree my friendship proposal.

Jm: (Rolled eyes) Get lost. Let's go Tae.

Tae: Hmm

Jk:(hold jm hands) I'm also coming.

Jm:(yanked his hands) Not need.

Jk: (again hold his hands) If you again yanked my hand you will see the consequence.

Jm: What will you do?

Jk: I'll kiss you. Right now. Right here. On cheeks. Hmph!

Jm:(widened his eyes)

Tae: wah! He was hard to handle. Enjoy soulmate! I'll take my leave now.(laughing while left)

Jm: yah! Kim fucking Taehyungggg! Where are you left me with him?

Tae: Somewhere(shout from distance)

Jm: (sighed before look at jk)Are you planned to stay here whole day. Let's go to class.

Jk: yeah! Sure.

  Jimin and jk went to the class.   Whole class hour jk never left Jimin alone making JIMIN and Tae annoyed.


Lunch break

   Jimin was sitting infront of lake in  a garden near the school. It was their usual place to hang out.   He was thinking about his future. It was his usual thoughts. Suddenly he felt someone's presence next to him none other than jk and Tae .

Jm: What are you 2  doing  here?

Tae: As usualt  I came here.  I saw him searching for you so I brought him with me.

Jm: (Annoyed) What did he want now?

Jk: Yah! I came here to eat with  you both .

Jm: why don't you have someone to be friend with you?

Jk: Nah! I want you to be my friend. (Smile). Now let's eat.

Jm: I don't have appetite. You two eat.

Tae: why?

Jm: No  I don't want to eat.

Jk: He never listem when we tell calmly. Let me took your luch from your bag.*but his bag has no sign of lunch box* Don't you brought your lunch box? Huh?

Jm: Oh! That....I forgot.

Jk: Forgot?

Tae: So you persuade him today  too.


Tae: you're such a crazy.

Jk: who?

Tae: His dad who was sick.  So he not want to strained him.

Jk: Why your mom won't prepare food for you?

Jm:(sad smile) she was no more.

Jk:(sad and worry)I'm sorry

Jm: It's ok.

Tae: Hmm let's eat

Jk: From today onwards  we are going to eat together. Got it.

Tae: yeah he is right. From today he also join with us.

     From the day onwards they share their food and also create done good memories.  Jk become close with them. He was too close with jimin. They create a close bond in their friendship.  Day by day Jk become closer with Jimin.  Tae won't mind that 'coz he know his soulmate.








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