Once upon a time, in a distant kingdom nestled at the foot of a towering volcano, there lived a fearsome dragon named Rulk. The kingdom had long suffered from the dragon's appetite for their livestock. In an attempt to appease the creature, the kingdom's rulers offered him a baby as a sacrifice.
As Rulk approached the trembling child, he caught a glimpse of the baby's eyes, shining with the color of gold. Something stirred within the dragon's heart, and he couldn't bring himself to harm the innocent child. Instead, Rulk decided to raise him as his own son, far away from the kingdom that had offered such a precious treasure.
Years passed, and the baby, named Drak, grew into a beautiful and kind-hearted young man. His hair and skin were as white as freshly fallen snow, and his eyes still shone like two golden coins. Drak had become the most precious treasure to Rulk, the dragon who had become his loving father.
However, Drak yearned to explore the world beyond the confines of the volcano. He longed to see the vast landscapes and meet new faces. One day, while Rulk was away hunting for food, a knight named Assim stumbled upon their hidden cavern. Greedily eyeing the dragon's rumored gold, Assim snatched some of the treasure before stumbling upon Drak.
Assuming Drak to be a hostage of the dragon, Assim decided to take him away. Drak fought desperately, knowing that his absence would cause his father to wither away. But the knight overpowered him, rendering him unconscious, and carried him far from the volcano that had been his home.
Days turned into weeks, and Drak's heart ached to return to his father's side. Assim, despite his initial intentions, showed kindness and care towards Drak, and they grew fond of each other. Drak confided in Assim, sharing his true desire to reunite with Rulk, the dragon who had raised him.
But Drak's unique appearance, with his rare physical characteristics, attracted attention and envy. People tried to kidnap him, hoping to exploit his extraordinary attributes. However, Assim, now fiercely protective of Drak, stood as his shield against the world's cruelty. He fought valiantly to keep Drak safe.
Realizing the depth of their connection, Assim made the decision to return Drak to his rightful home. Together, they embarked on a perilous journey back to the volcano, where Rulk awaited their return. Along the way, they encountered another knight who sought to end the dragon's life. With courage and determination, Assim fought off the assailant, saving both Drak and Rulk.
Upon their arrival, Drak tearfully reunited with his beloved dragon father. Rulk, moved by Assim's bravery and their undeniable love for each other, accepted Assim into their family. Together, they sealed the entrance of the cave, protecting their newfound happiness from the outside world.
Rulk, now free from the burden of outside attacks, soared through the volcano's fiery depths, ensuring their sustenance. Drak, Assim, and Rulk lived harmoniously in their secluded haven, where love and acceptance thrived. Their story became a legend, whispered through the ages, of a family bound by love and loyalty.
And so, their tale transcended time, leaving behind a legacy of hope and resilience. It is said that one day, Rulk, Drak, and Assim ascended into the night sky, carried away on the dragon's mighty wings, to a kingdom beyond the clouds. In this realm, where dragons were born, they found eternal happiness, shielded from the ravages of time and evil.
And thus, their story lives on, a testament to the enduring power of love and the unbreakable bonds forged between unlikely companions.
Fairy tales for young and old ~ English version
FantasyA few stories that I sometimes enjoy writing. It will therefore not be one, but several short stories. Remember they are fairy tales, for kids and for dreams. Yes it's short. Yes it's not realistic. That's what a fairy tale is...