In the mystical land of Sylvaranthe, where legends took root and flourished amidst the verdant wilds, there stood an imposing structure known as Draven's Keep. This fortress, perched upon the craggy cliffs, was not named for its creator nor its lord, but for the stone sentinel that guarded its gates—a gargoyle of formidable presence.
This is the story of that gargoyle, once a dragon named Draven, whose wings had traced the heavens in joyful arcs and whose roar had been a song of freedom. Draven's spirit was a flame that no cage could contain, and his desire for adventure was as boundless as the endless sky.
But fate, as it often does, wove a different path for our dragon. In a secluded glade, shielded by the whispers of ancient trees, Draven discovered the abandonned forteress and a Stone Amulet. This relic, bathed in the glow of untold enchantments, beckoned to him with a silent call that pierced the very marrow of his bones.
The warnings of old, tales of curses and bindings, were but distant echoes to Draven as he reached out, his claws trembling not with fear but with a hunger for the secrets it might unlock. The moment his scales brushed against the amulet, a tempest of magic erupted, and Draven turned to stone.
Draven's form, once lithe and vibrant, was now a sculpture of solemn grace. His eyes, which had once held the sparkle of starlight, now gazed forward with the weight of eternity. Wings that had danced with the winds were now spread in an eternal vigil, and his fiery breath was now but a whisper of dust.
The Keep took on the name of its new warden, and Draven's Keep became a place of quiet reflection. The gargoyle that stood watch became a legend, a tale passed down through generations. It spoke of the dragon's unyielding will, his quest for the unknown, and the price paid for the touch of forbidden magic.
And so, the gargoyle of Draven's Keep watches still, a guardian of stone and spell, his silent form a reminder to all who pass beneath his shadow: that adventure is a path woven with danger and wonder, and that the magic of old is not to be trifled with.
Fairy tales for young and old ~ English version
FantasyA few stories that I sometimes enjoy writing. It will therefore not be one, but several short stories. Remember they are fairy tales, for kids and for dreams. Yes it's short. Yes it's not realistic. That's what a fairy tale is...