Chapter 3

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After that eventful night with Tommy, he's been calling you a lot more recently. However both of your schedules were busy, considering he and the band were working on a new album and you were doing photoshoots and such.

Today, you were doing a charity car wash. One of the bunnies organized it and all the proceeds would go towards helping those in need. You were dressed in extremely short denim shorts, a red bikini top, and your hair was up in an updo.

The boys said they'd visit to 'help the cause' when in reality, they just wanted to see half naked girls wash cars. Which, is why this event was so good. Because men will pay to see half naked girls do anything. Especially Playboy Bunnies.

Once you all made it to the car wash that you'd be hosting this event at, you and Crystal helped set everything up while the other girls put up last minute flyers.

Then, at around noon it was in full swing. There were lines of cars waiting. And one of the first cars was the one with the boys. You took this one, considering the fact you knew they'd appreciate this.

You lathered it all in soap as you wiped it down, your breasts pushing up against the passenger side window where Tommy was sat. Yeah, you did that on purpose.

"Man, she's so sexy." Vince spoke as he watched you work.

"Yeah," Tommy sighed dreamily. He hasn't been able to stop thinking about how it felt to kiss you.

He also made sure when he came home that night that he kissed you, and that you were off limits. But that didn't stop the guys from flirting with you which irritated him.

Hadn't they known he got you first? The brunette sighed and leaned back in his seat as he watched you finish up the car.

It went really well, you've raised over a thousand dollars.

"Hey Y/n!" You turned to see Tommy walk up to you, the guys trailing behind him.

"Wanna go get lunch with us?" He asked.

"Sure, just pick me up at the mansion at around two so I can get dressed in some normal clothes." You chuckled and he nodded before cupping your face and kissing you passionately.

Your hands ran through his hair as you kissed him back, his arms wrapping around your waist pulling you closer. You moaned into his mouth, completely forgetting you had an audience.

A wolf whistle startled you and jumped back to see Nikki with a smirk on his face.

You blushed and looked away, but the drummer grabbed your chin with his thumb and index finger and made you look at him. He kissed you one last time before telling you they'd be there at 2 to pick you up.

Of course, once you got into the limo that was used to transport all of the girls, you got bombarded with questions from not just Crystal, but everyone.

You explained how the two of you met and all that jazz. They all seemed really interested in yours and Tommy's relationship. Which makes sense since it's so out of the blue and he's practically a famous rockstar now.

Once you got back to the mansion you got out of your wet clothes and traded them for mom jeans and light pink sweater tucked in as well as your Reeboks.

You were just finishing your makeup when you were alerted that the boys were here.

They were sitting in the driveway as you've given them code with Hugh's permission of course. He said as long as they don't show up uninvited and don't cause trouble, It's okay.

At the diner, Tommy sat next to you on the booth and then Vince squished in next to him. Mick and Nikki sitting on the other side across from the three of you.

"We're already planning our music video for 'Looks That Kill' and we were wondering if you'd be interested in being in it." Mick spoke after a few moments of silence.

Your eyes widened, you've never been in a music video before. And for it to be a Motley music video? Hell yes.

"I'd love to." You said.

They all fist pumped and you giggled. The food arrived and you all dug in, wasting no time.

After the bill was paid, you walked outside towards the car. They ended up driving you back to their place to hang out.

"You wanna go on a proper date sometime?" Tommy asked you out of earshot from the rest of the boys.

"Yeah, that'd be nice." You smiled. He smiled down at you and kissed you again. He can't get enough of kissing you and honestly, neither can you. He pushed you back against the kitchen wall as you began to make out fiercely. Tommy tugged and pulled at your sweater while you fisted his tshirt.

You were both panting and moaning, but not taking it a step further. Which you were okay with. You've never had sex before, and aren't sure if you're ready or not.

You pulled away and whispered, "I've never um...been intimate with someone before." You felt extremely awkward and embarrassed about admitting this to a guy who fucks women for breakfast.

He pushed a strand of hair behind your ear, "Hey, it's okay. We don't have to do anything if you don't want to. I'm fine with waiting."

But that stirred up an anxious thought. "I know how you are with women I...I'm scared you're gonna cheat on me if I don't have sex with you." Tears formed in your eyes.

Tommy gently wiped them away and said, "Baby, I'd never do that to you. I can control myself, well to an extent. I can control myself to the point where I'm not entertaining other women. But I am a terror twin after all." The last part made you laugh.

"It may be way too soon to say this and I'm probably going to fast but...Tommy, I love you." You whispered against his lips.

"I love you too, Y/n." And he kissed you again.

Someone cleared their throat and you looked to see Mick standing there staring at the two of you.

"What do you want old man?" Tommy asked and you slapped his shoulder, scolding him.

"You're blocking the fridge." The raven haired man stated and you laughed, moving out of the way so that he could get to the fridge and grab a beer or whatever he wanted.

You ended up staying at their apartment, laying in Tommy's bed. You lightly drew random shapes with your nail on his stomach as he slept contently.

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