Chapter 41

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A/n: The year is 1998 in case you got confused, lots of time jumps in this story. This also just has a lot of domestic fluff! Family vibes ❤️

Not much as been going on except for preparations for the tour. It's been hectic with trying to pack for your husband because you know he doesn't pack for himself and procrastinates till the day he has to leave. And when he does pack, it's all impractical things. He really tried packing a swimsuit for a trip to Alaska one time.

You're also packing for yourself and your girls because you're joining the band on this tour. You're very excited, and Cassie is too. Destiny is still too young to understand, but your pretty sure she's happy too. She seems to be a mommy's girl, though. Kind of like how Cassie is a daddy's girl.

She's more clingy with you, and always wants you around. Of course she'll love on Tommy, he has a way with kids and he's also her father. But she prefers you a little more. You'd be lying if you said it didn't make you happy.

Anyways, back to what you were doing right now. Packing. Who knew packing for two people and a baby plus yourself was so difficult? Cassie gave you a bunch of toys she insisted on bringing. However she only ended up being allowed to bring two Barbie dolls and her treasured stuffed dolphin.

Destiny has a lot of things you have to bring like a play pen, toys, food, clothes, etc. it's a lot of work but so worth it. You heard the tour bus was huge so you didn't have to worry about taking up space with your necessities.

You and Tommy sternly told the other guys to not bring any groupies on the bus because your children were there. And you don't want they're innocence corrupted just because one of the guys couldn't keep it in their pants.

After finishing packing, you then walked into Destiny's room to feed her dinner before you went and made dinner for the rest of your family. You rocked back and forth on the rocking chair as you breast fed your daughter, a blanket placed over to cover her and you.

"Knock, knock." Tommy said softly as he softly knocked on the frame of the door. "Hi." You smiled.

"Hi. How's she doing?" He asked with a smile on his face. It melted your heart how soft he was around you and the girls. "She's doing good, just getting her dinner. And before you ask, I'll start dinner after she's finished with hers."

The brunette put his hands up in defense, "I was going to ask that but I didn't expect to be attacked."

"You always ask when I'm cooking dinner as if you've hadn't eaten in months. You act like I don't feed you."

"You're so meannn." He whined and you laughed, "31 years old and still acts like a twelve year old. Why did I marry you again?"

"Maybe because you love me?"

"Yes, I guess that could be the reason. And oh- shes done feeding now. Get out while I clean up and then make dinner."

"Yes ma'am." He said before making his way out of the room and down the stairs to the garage to play his drums.

You cleaned and changed Destiny before making your way down to the kitchen. You began making the roast beef with vegetables on the side, wanting to have more healthy dinners instead of cheeseburgers and hot dogs.

You turned on the stereo and listened to a couple songs as you cooked. Once dinner was ready, you called everyone down and they all sat at the table while you served them before you sat down across from Tommy.

"So, Cas. Tomorrow we're going to have to get up extra early so we can head to the airport for our trip." You spoke to the little girl. She wasn't so little anymore, she was getting bigger and bigger by the day it was unbelievable.

"Okay!" She exclaimed.

"So that means you have to go to bed early tonight so you can get up in the morning." You explained.

"But I don't want to go to bed early." She pouted.

"You have to if you want to come with mommy and I." Tommy butted in.

"Okay, but I want to watch Little Mermaid before I go to bed." She crossed her arms.

"Alright, you can but you can't watch the whole movie because then it will really be past your bedtime." You said and she nodded, shoving a forkful of veggies into her mouth.

After dinner, you cleaned up while Tommy and Cassie went into the living room to watch The Little Mermaid.

He put the VHS tape in the VCR and sat down next to his daughter while it played. He loved the way she snuggled up to him, he felt complete in life. Everything in this house is all he's ever wanted. Well, besides being in a band of course.

He thought of retiring from the band or at least taking a break, to focus on his girls. And maybe release some of his own stuff. Recently he's been really into rap, and thought of releasing a rap album. He has a couple friends of his who could help, and it'd be nice to have a solo career to fall back on if one day the band all goes to shit.

He was interrupted by his thoughts when you walked in with a bowl of popcorn and a capri-sun for Cassie. She happily took it and drank it, while you set the bowl of popcorn between the two of you.

The three of you ended up falling asleep on the couch 20 minutes into the movie.

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