The Date

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Jungkook's eyes fluttered open.

It had been a long night trying to sleep. It wasn't anything like the bed that kept him up, but the fact that he slept alone in it.

Jungkook had gotten used to living in the penthouse by himself, free from his father's criticisms and his brother's undying thirst for a rivalry between the two. He had liked just being by himself and doing his own thing.

But for the first time, he actually felt the isolation of the place, and it was all because of the distance between him and his Omega. The Omega who he forced to be there.

As he swung his legs off the side of the bed and stood from it, stretching his muscles, his mind returned to the one thing that ruthlessly haunted it.

He didn't get it. Most Omegas would kill for even a second of Jungkook's attention, but Jimin always acted like Jungkook was a serial killer. It pissed the Alpha off more than any amount of words could describe.

The day they met, it had been fun messing with the high and mighty Omega, but after he got punched in his groin, a fury washed over the Alpha. A deep, ravenous rage that he had never felt before.

No Omega had ever dared treat him in such a way. They knew their place.

For the rest of the week Jungkook couldn't stop thinking about Jimin. He read his application letter over and over again, stared at the picture Jimin–no–his parents sent in. Jimin hadn't even wanted to be there to begin with.

You inspire no passion in me.

Those words had confused Jungkook a lot. He didn't understand how the Omega could say such a thing. Jungkook was tall, handsome, rich, and he had a great personality to boot. Jimin should have been worshiping the ground he walked on.

At first, with the fidgety way the Omega had been behaving when he entered the office, Jungkook thought he was just nervous. But over the course of the interview he realized that Jimin just didn't want to be there.

How fucking dare he?

Jungkook wanted revenge. He wanted to claim that Omega and make him see that no matter what he wanted, it didn't matter in an Alpha's world.

In Jungkook's world.

But the more he interacted with the Omega, the more smitten he was. Jimin never backed down and continually met Jungkook blow for blow.

The plan had been simple. Force the Omega to marry him before divorcing him a week later whilst bringing shame and ruin to his family. It wasn't complicated.

But sticking to that plan got harder and harder the more Jimin talked back to him, the more Jimin hit him. It pushed all of the right buttons in Jungkook to the point where he wasn't sure if he wanted to slap the shit out of the Omega or kiss the hell out of him.

Jungkook still had nightmares about that night in the club, after Jimin swung around that pole like a whore. But it wasn't that dance that bothered the Alpha, it was his own actions afterwards.

He let himself be teased and then kissed Jimin hungrily, needily. He could've kept kissing the Omega for the rest of the night, just losing himself to those soft and plump lips.

When Jimin collapsed in his arms, Jungkook was sorely tempted to leave him there, but who knows what kind of freaks were prowling around the club, waiting for vulnerable and drunk Omegas to prey on.

If anyone was gonna ruin Park Jimin, it was gonna be Jungkook.

But now he wasn't sure he wanted to hurt Jimin anymore. If anything, he wanted the Omega to submit. To stop pretending to hate him and start enjoying his company.

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