The Passion

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A knock at the bedroom door woke Jimin.

After crying for hours in the living room, he finally retreated to the master bedroom to cry his eyes out there, until his body finally gave out and he fell asleep.

He didn't know why Soobin's "offer" bothered him so much. Maybe it was the violence that happened afterwards that tore him apart? Soobin grabbing him by the throat and looking ready to rip his head off.

He wished he could be stronger about things like this, but violence and stress disturbed and overwhelmed Omegas and caused them to break down. His weaker physiology had him at a constant disadvantage both physically and emotionally.

Whoever was at the door knocked again. Who was Jimin kidding, he knew it was Jungkook. It was around the usual time Jungkook got home. The servants must have told him about his Omega crying for most of the day.

"Jimin." Jungkook said. "Come open the door."

The Omega didn't move from the bed. He was too tired and he didn't want to talk to Jungkook after the confrontation with his weirdo little brother. Soobin's cruel words rang throughout his mind on a ruthless repeat.

He doesn't care about you, he just wants to knock you up.

Jimin knew from the beginning that Jungkook didn't give a shit about him, that he just wanted to embarrass the Omega. But now their relationship was more complicated, because now Jungkook actually wanted to keep the Omega.

For a minute Jimin was stupid enough to think that maybe Jungkook actually wanted to make an effort and be a normal couple, but Jimin was still just an object to him.

The thing was that Jimin wasn't supposed to fucking care. He hated Jungkook, but why couldn't Jungkook just keep being terrible? Why was he buying stupid relationship books and comparing Jimin to a flower?

Jimin hated him so much.

But it was starting to get so tiring to hate Jungkook. He was losing strength and he was dangerously close to just giving up. But giving up didn't look like giving in to Jungkook, it looked like standing in front of a speeding train.

Who would even miss him? Jin and Taehyung would most definitely grieve but would his parents? They'd probably lament the waste of a son. Would Jungkook? No, he'd probably just sigh about the loss of a punching bag.

The knocks got louder, more desperate. "Jimin." Jungkook pleaded. "Can I come in please? Just let me talk to you. They told me Soobin came by. What did he say?"

Jimin ignored the Alpha's words. He was just putting on a show pretending to care about Jimin so that the Omega would spread his legs and give him a baby.

It wasn't fair. Jimin never asked for any of this. He never asked to be Jungkook's mate and be forced to put up with his psychotic family. A couple of months ago he never could've predicted that this would be his life.

"Jimin, please just talk to me."

After no response again, Jungkook finally left the Omega alone. Jimin buried his face further into the drying pillows. They had been damp earlier after he stained them with his emotional baggage.

Jimin just wanted to be done with all of this bullshit.

Maybe he could take a page out of Taehyung's book and just run away. But he had a sinking feeling that no matter where he ran, Jungkook would go on the hunt for him like a rabid dog. And if someone suspected he was a mated runaway Omega, they would turn him in.

Since Taehyung wasn't mated, people just saw him as damaged goods. But since Jimin was mated, he belonged to Jungkook. If he ran away it would be like Jungkook lost property. Really expensive property.

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