The Distress

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Gayoung flicked the light on, illuminating her closet the size of a bedroom. Beautiful dresses, shoes, and jewelry lay in place for her to pick from. A large vanity was stationed in the corner along with her makeup material.

For the first time in what felt like forever, her and her wonderful husband were going out to dinner. They wouldn't technically be alone as it was another party celebrating his father securing a business deal was enough for her.

There weren't enough words in any language to describe her excitement. She couldn't remember the last time they went out...just the two of them.

He was usually so busy dealing with his moronic brother. She wished she could ease his mind, but she knew the only way to do that was to make sure that Jungkook and the headache inducing Omega he chose wouldn't have kids.

As long as they were together, they were a threat. And as long as they were a threat to the empire Soobin wanted to claim for himself, then he'd never be happy. Gayoung would never be enough for him, especially considering her failure to produce a son.

And yet, there were still so many questions that bedeviled her. The name Jihyo still rang in her mind at the worst times despite her efforts to suppress it. She knew her husband better than anyone. He wouldn't have brought up that name for no reason.

Maybe if she got Minho to dig around deep enough...she could find some dirt on whoever the fuck Jihyo was. Jungkook didn't appear to remember her, but he could be lying. He was a disgusting snake not worth more than the scum under her shoe.

If this Jihyo really was someone important to Jungkook, she wondered what he'd give up to protect her. His money? His fame? His claim to his father's company?


Ugh. Jimin. She hadn't seen him ever since that party where he and Jungkook made a big fucking scene like they were the main characters of a movie or something, but his presence felt like it followed her everywhere.

They were rivals afterall. While she had been in the game longer, she had gotten used to being a solo player. Then he had the audacity to show up out of nowhere and challenge her and her husband for their dreams.

It was so unfair. Jimin didn't even like being rich yet he was given those things naturally. He was born rich, born pretty, born to be taken care of while Gayoung was born to be stepped on.

Everything she has she had to claw from the world. Everything Jimin has was given to him.

But on the bright side, it would make it that much funner to take it away from him and bring him down the dirt where he belonged. She couldn't wait to make him cry much harder than he did at the wedding. He would cry and cry until he slit his own throat to make the pain stop.

First him, then his Alpha, and then Gayoung would finally feel safe.

Suddenly her phone rang, and because she expected it to be Soobin, she hurried to pick it up. He had told her he was going to pick her up after work, and she sincerely hoped that something hadn't come up to make him change his mind.

When she turned it over, her anxieties doubled because it wasn't her husband. It was her brother.

Gayoung was still upset with him after he went rogue and went after Jimin and his friend for seemingly no reason, and without even talking to her about it. She felt deep rage at his shortsightedness, yet there seemed to be no immediate consequences.

She kept waiting for Jungkook to break down the door and snap her neck, but she hadn't overheard Soobin mention an attack to anyone. Whatever was going on with his Omega, Jungkook was keeping it to himself for now.

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