The Money

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"I'll take a chocolate and whatever he wants." Jungkook said, jerking his head towards Jimin as he dug some cash out of his thick, black wallet.

The two were at the front of the line of an ice cream parlor. When Jimin had asked Jungkook to take him away from that hellish party, he hadn't expected...well...he didn't know what exactly he had expected.

Jungkook grumbled that he was hungry when they got in the car, but Jimin had thought the car was taking them to some other fancy restaurant for dinner. However, Jungkook seemed like he needed to cleanse his palette of rich shit.

"Rainbow sherbet." Jimin told the cashier. Jungkook grimaced but didn't comment.

A few minutes later the two were sitting at a table by the window, looking out at the cars and people passing by. They licked their cones in silence. Jimin could tell Jungkook was sneaking glances at him, wanting to start a conversation, but Jimin kind of liked the silence.

Ah, what the hell. "Will your grandparents mind?" Jimin finally gave in. Jungkook raised an eyebrow inquisitively so he continued, "Will they mind that you left the party early?" Jungkook had been so laser focused on confronting Soobin that he hadn't even spoken to them.

"I'll find some way to make it up to them," the Alpha shrugged. "My grandpa...a grandma...a convertible." Jimin's eyes widened and Jungkook chuckled. "What can I say? She likes the fast life. She has five so far."

Jimin smiled to himself when he imagined Jungkook's grandma going 100 miles per hour down the street, swerving lanes through traffic while others honked their asses off at her.

"What about your grandparents?" Jungkook asked. "Are you close with them?"

"No." Jimin said immediately, tongue swirling in a mouthful of ice cream. "They're like my parents but older and on steroids."

"Ah." Jungkook nodded in understanding, a jovial smile tugging at his lips. "Jimin doesn't like them much?"

"Jimin doesn't like them much." The smile on the Omega's face fell off as he began to think about his own family. He hadn't spoken to his parents since the wedding. He had no idea how they were doing. "It's fucked up, right? Not really liking or loving your own family?"

Jungkook thought to himself. "I honestly wouldn't know. I love my family."

"Seriously?" That caught Jimin way off guard. Every time Jimin saw the Alpha interact with his family, save for his grandparents, the interaction both ways was extremely negative.

They always tried to tear Jungkook down and he would look exhausted from the exchange.

"Of course." Jungkook answered.

Jimin's tongue absorbed a drop of sherbert running down the cone. Jungkook licked his lips at the sight, like the shameless pervert he was.

" don't mind the way they treat you?" Jimin knew that this was a topic heading to dangerous waters for Jungkook. He was in denial. "Especially...your father?"

Jungkook sighed, focusing his gaze on his cone. He could tell where this conversation was going. Anybody could. "What about my father?"

"The way..." Should he use that word? Was there any other word to describe it? Jimin didn't feel like doing mental gymnastics and didn't want to waste fuck it. "The way he abuses you."

"Jimin, I thought I told you before—" Jungkook started, short temper already flaring up.

"I am open to communication." Jimin said calmly, and Jungkook's lips parted. "I am not hostile and my goal is not to provoke or antagonize...but to reorganize."

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