chapter one

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"hadrian get up and come down stairs! you have a guest!"Lilly yelled as she walked pasted his room down stairs hadrian got up stretching as he went to his bathroom admiring it a bit again for the 20th time

he frowned at the mentioned of guest his mother always tried to force hadrian to mate with a man before his inheritance she said it was traditional but he made a promise some one the one he loved and made a unbreakable promise he sighed and washed...

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he frowned at the mentioned of guest his mother always tried to force hadrian to mate with a man before his inheritance she said it was traditional but he made a promise some one the one he loved and made a unbreakable promise he sighed and washed his hair and his body scrubbing hard but not that hard his body was really special his mother wanted it to stay that way after he was down he got out putting his robe on sitting in his seat as he brushed and wried his hair with a little spell getting up he put on an outfit

he frowned at the mentioned of guest his mother always tried to force hadrian to mate with a man before his inheritance she said it was traditional but he made a promise some one the one he loved and made a unbreakable promise he sighed and washed...

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'i hope this goes well

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'i hope this goes well...'hadrian thought as he heard his mom yelling for him again he runs out of the bathroom and his room after slipping on some shoes as he run downstairs he ran next to his mother as she gave him a glare then facing the man putting on a smile "this is vernon your new uncle "Lilly said as hadrian looked at him then looking down "nice to meet u"hadrian said as he felt uncomfortable "nice to meet u two hadrian u are very beautiful"he said as he looked at the beauty in front of him "t-thank you"hadrian said as Lilly rolled her eyes telling hadrian in a polite way to go to his father in the living room he did as so "hi dad"hadrian said smiling "hello harry"james said smiling hadrian sat next to him as they sat down "son...ik how u feel about this but i think when u go back to hogwarts u might find someone"james said softly as hadrian eyes widen and narrowed "r-right"

-later that night-

Lilly goes to hadrians room as she opens the door she smiles "my poor baby"hadrian stiffens as he stays put keeping his head down holding back tears before the pain start's "and i have to punish u for being a bad boy"Lilly grabbed her wand as she points it at hadrian "cruciatus"hadrian screamed in pain as blood fell from his mouth his mother smiled widely "my poor baby"she said as she puts more power in the curse making hadrian scream worse until he fainted Lilly sighed as she cleaned the blood laying her son on his bed leaving the room mad

-the next morning-

hadrian woke up as he fell on the floor is complete pain as he got up a house elf came with a note "hokey delivers fro gringotts when finished reading hokey takes mr.potter to gringotts"hokey gives hadrian the letter as he take its and nods opening the letter reading it

dear mr.potter

we have just been informed you went into an early creature inheritance and would like to discuss some stuff with you and about your vaults that albus dumbledore has been taking some money out and we would like to discuss this with u this is a portkey say the word 'luminose'

your friendly goblin griphook

from gringotts bank

hadrian got up as he flinch in pain he slowly put on a jacket and left with hokey and appeared at gringotts as they met with griphook "ah mr.potter u came early but follow me"griphook said as he walked off hadian was close behind walking into griphook's office they sat down and got straight to buisness

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