chapter three

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james was pacing back and fourth as lily was on the phone fakely worried about her "son" "wdym u don't know where he is!"lily yelled thru the phone frustrated "he was here last night!!"she she yelled "i would never do anything to hurt my baby!!"she said hanging up the phone james looks at her before sitting down lily sighs as she sits next to him "james dear..calm down he's not our real son we are just watching him for albus"lily tried getting thru her husband

"ya your right i spouse "james said u could see the sadness in his eyes as lily took her wand putting it to james head filling the fun memories he had with harry to more lively ones she felt bad brainwashing her husband but she has to there was a knock on the door she got up to go answer it

"hel- severus hi-hi how are you"she said getting over the shock 'he looks...more like a female must be his creature inheritance' "lily may we come in"severus said walking in the house as lupin and hadrian followed in she narrowed her eyes at hadrian before closing the door she quickly grabbed hadrian shoulder walking with him he tensioned up "so you found this little rascal"lily joked as james looked at her then hadrian

"ah well were just here for harry's things"severus said sending hadrian to his room to pack shocking lily and james "w-why do albus need him.."lily sat down scared a bit 'why is she acting like that' thought severus "no were here for our son but since its night we will just come get him tm morning at 9 am sharp"remus said as severus nodded in agreement lily and james looked at each other then nodding "s-sure"she said as they gave hadrian a hug then left lily looks at james

"go to your room"lily said as hadrian went to his room he opened his door locking it with a lock charm he went to his bathroom for the 22nd time showering then tie-ing his hair getting into a night gown walking to his bed he sat on top of his bed sitting by the window looking out at the moon

"..oh tom if we didn't make such a promise"hadrian said silently crying about how he ruined his first boyfriends life with that stupid promise "he looks at the snake mark on his neck and slices it a bit drawing blood the snake tattoo moves around his neck making hadrian smile a little bit at it

-malfoy manor 10:30 pm-

tom looks at the window as he waits till his hair is dried 'hadrian i will find u i promise'tom said as he softly smiled and called lucius in his office who came running in no second later he knocked on the door "enter"was all tom said as lucius walked in bowing his head "my lord?"he asked a bit scared of why he was summoned in the middle of the night "find me someone under hadrian severus lupin black known as harry potter"tom said as lucius nodded slightly "you may leave"tom said annoyed lucius waisted no time and left leaving his dark lord in complete deep thoughts

-lily and james potter manor-

hadrian fell into a deep sleep as he opened his eyes he was not in his bed he was-where was he "h-hello"hadrian yelled it was pitched black with blood everywhere on the ground "what a surprise my humans beautiful"primis said as he flew towards his huma hadrian looked at him scared but amazed "im primis"he said as hadrian blinked " im hadrian"he said as they talked more about their mate past present and future

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