chapter five

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lucius and narcissa softly smile as hadrian does not show anything but a small smile "well then..welcome to the family i am narcissa malfoy this is lucius malfoy my husband"she said bowing to him "hadrian..hadrian severus lupin slytherin black"hadrian said bowing his head as narcissa and lucius smile "anyway do u want to meet our son"narcissa said smiling

remus and severus excused themselves for a little to talk to the dark lord lucius went to fetch draco as hadrian and narcissa went to sit in the living room they sat down as narcissa ordered tea "now dear how old are you im sure you go back to hogwarts soon"narcissa asked curious "ah um im 16 i probably left my hogwarts letter at home...i didn't attend the first three years due to family issues"hadrian said with a smile "well...the dark lord is very...vodly if i must say"she said as they both chuckled "you should join us for the ball later tonight mates family and wizards all the around the world"she asked a bit too happy hadrian sighed and nodded

hadrian sat his tea down as he turned around and saw lucius with his son draco on his side draco looks at harry with his eyes a little bit wide "hello mother"draco said with a straight face "hello draco this is hadrian he's severus and remus son"draco's eyes widen not only was he his mate but they were closer then they thought "the ball is in less then one hour and twenty prepare"she said as she walked off with lucius right behind leaving the two boys alone "ill find a spare room to my liking while u get over your shock"hadrian said as he walked passed draco who watched him walk up stairs he blushed slightly smirking 'i got another mate huh and two at that' draco said as he smirking and praising himself how lucky he is

-with sirius remus and tom-

they knocked on the door until they heard a faint come in they went in closing the door behind them tom eyes widen as he got up quickly walking to them "so what happend"he asked as the two looked at each other "we found our child"remus said as he looks at tom "we found harry tom...''severus whispered as tom eyes filled with tears slowly he fell on his knees severus pulled tom into a hug as remus joined in "after so many years of searching for him...i finally got him back he-he's back"tom cried happily as if he forgotten he was a dark lord "how about you get dressed and see him at the ball tonight"severus said as he whipped toms tears tom nodded fast

-with hadrian black  0_0-

i walked into my room as i locked it and looked out the window 'im coming for u tommy'hadrian sighed deeply as a smirk appeared he gets up taking a quick shower doing a lil wandless magic he changed clothes and adding some accessories and fixing his hairless then two seconds making sure he looks nice he puts his shoes on and looks in the mirror he knew his other mate was here 

i walked into my room as i locked it and looked out the window 'im coming for u tommy'hadrian sighed deeply as a smirk appeared he gets up taking a quick shower doing a lil wandless magic he changed clothes and adding some accessories and fixing h...

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hadrian walked out of his room locking it back walking downstairs he saw his mom and dad narcissa and lucius with draco and tom hadrian smiled at both of his mates everyone was stunned

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hadrian walked out of his room locking it back walking downstairs he saw his mom and dad narcissa and lucius with draco and tom hadrian smiled at both of his mates everyone was stunned

"your beautiful dear"

"omg baby your beautiful"

"i love the outfit"

"you look even more beautiful"

hadrian and tom lock eyes tom hugs hadrian as hadrian hugged back missing his mate after 3 years of being separated from him he missed the warmth his voice his eyes his lips his everything hadrian missed it "shall we get going"lucius said breaking up the moment everyone nodded getting ready to leave draco didn't mind letting tom have hadrian for himself a bit after all they haven't seen each other in three years draco scoffed at the thought but catched up with his mates before he was left behind tom and draco both wrapped their arm around hadrian he smiled softly witch turned into an evil smirk for a quick two seconds

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