chapter two

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griphook sat down and harry did as well griphook grabbed the things that they think they would need 

"alright mr.potter pls slice your finger and 5 drops of blood" hadrian  nodded his head as he pricked his finger letting five drops of blood hit the parchment paper words start appearing


hadrian james potter (fake birth)

name:hadrian james potter

mother:lily evens potter(alive)

father:james potter(alive)

siblings: none


severus remus sirius lucius narcissa bellatrix alice

d/s-submissive obedient

m/s-ginny weasley






potter 5

gryffindor 5


parsel-tounge 100% blocked wandless magic 100% blocked wordless magic 100% blocked ceature 90%% blocked magic core 80%% blocked

all blocked by dumbledore


hadrian looked at it a second time "what does this mean"hadrian looked dazed as his eyes became weak a bit "prick your finger 7 drops of blood"hadrian did it again slower this time


hadrian james potter (real birth)

name: hadrian severus lupin slytherin black

mother:severus snape(alive)

father: remus lupin (alive)


family members/godparents

bellatrix lee strange 

lucius malfoy

narcissa malfoy

sirius black

draco malfoy

remus lupin

severus black












merlin gryffindor

rowena ravenclaw

helga hufflepuff

salazar slytherin


slytherin 16

gryffindor 14

hufflepuff 6

ravenclaw 7

potter 5

black 10

lee strange 15

malfoy 13

lord 20

hogwarts 1000+

prince 1000+


tom marvolo riddle/dark lord 

draco malfoy/heir to malfoy


submissive obedient


parsel-tounge 100% blocked 

wandless magic 100% blocked

 wordless magic 100% blocked

magic core 90% blocked

 creature inheritance 80% blocked 

by albus dumbledore

hadrian looked at griphook as if he was seeing things "would u like to get them off"he asked hadrian nodded getting up "but once u do u will feel un-dying magic and u would wand you mate more and your parents"griphook explained as hadrian nodded "stand in the middle"hadrian did as he was told 

-time skip 0_0-

 -at gringotts 6:36 pm-

hadrian woke up as he was feeling dizzy a bit when he smelt something sweet and strong 'what the-' he was caught off when he was pushed into a strong hug by a person with long black hair pale white skin with black white eyes he looked more feminal u could mistake him as a girl he pulled away "hi."the person said as my eyes widen "w-who"i manage two throw out of my throat until another man cam and bent down his eyes were black and yellow he looked like he was in his 16 just the other man "im remus and this is severus we are your parents"remus explained calmly as severus nodded at some things hadrian was amazed as he nodded "griphook can i see what i look like"griphook brought a mirror allowing hadrian to see his presence

his hair was at least to his shoulders his left eye was green and black and the other was red and black he had a small waist he was not tall neither was he small probably about 5.0 or 4.9 he looked like his mom his skin was a little paler he had a small snake and demon neko tattoo on his neck for when his mate marks him he felt a strong presence inside of him making him a bit scared he looked at his parents who were smiling at him

"u can come home with us"snap suggested as he smiled a lil "i uh-um sure"hadrian said as he looked down "and then maby we can go find your mate tomorrow or maby later"remus suggested a bit nervous "r-right"hadrian said as he grabbed his parents arms leaving wih them

hadrian creature is a primordial

his name is primis hes a fallen angel

his name is primis hes a fallen angel

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God tried to make The angels...instead he made A monster a being of great power, until he was sealed away in The void and after 3000 years he escaped To get his revenge His name is primis

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