chapter six

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as they walked in the party everyone looked at the malfoy family but mostly the new member some people were drooling over him "tom i hope u kept your promise"hadrian whispered to tom "ofc i did love hope u did"tom said in a seductively making hadrian blush "draco u take hadrian with u while us and the dark lord talk to the grown ups" Narcissa said draco nodded grabbing Hadrian's waist they walked over to a group of Slytherins

"Draco hey who's this" pansy said smirking even thought they knew who he was they just act like they didn't "this is hadrian he's mine and the darklords mate"draco said smirking blaise and pansy bow a trio comes up walking towards them they werent slytherins at all "well if it isnt malfoy parkinson and zibini"a boy said, he had black hair with strains of yellow stripe,s a girl with red hair and black striped.  with a mix of purple and the last of had blonde hair with green mixed with it at the end .

"who are u im sure ur not allowed to be here without pureblood athority"draco said, annoyed "forgive us lord malfoy but we are purebloods of...the pinkersons-"the girl said, clearly sweating and scared. "well we just wanted to see the mistress, its nice u found ur mates."the male said, they nodded in agreement they bowed and walked away the grownups, soon came over joining them tom making his way around hadrians waist .
"lets start the announcement"tom said, hadrian nodding draco holding hadrians hand, they walked to the stage witht the death eaters on one side and the purebloods on the other "thank u all for coming i know that u must have heard. that my beloved has finally come to light and show himself to me."tom said starting off. "please welcome the mistress of the dark my chaos"tom said, clapps errupted the room hadrian walked. on stage looking fantastic tom placed a crown on his head as a signiture of the, dark hadrian smiled at this he was finally were he belonged after so many years.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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