Gatsby Love | Karina Aespa

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I set aside my book as soon as I felt the weight of another person on the bed. I smiled when I saw my beloved boyfriend, Y/N, finally ready to unwind after a long day at work. "Finally joining me for bed?" I asked, leaning over to kiss him on the nose. "I've been waiting for hours!" I said jokingly.

"I'm always worth the wait." I simply smiled at his response. I laughed as he pulled me from my seat and forced me to lie down next to him. Then we quickly cuddled up together. It was, after all, routine at this point. I smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face in my neck. We lay there quietly, content to remain silent. We soon had the covers pulled over our heads, the lamp turned off, and I had forgotten about the book I read earlier, or at least some of what I had been reading again. The title was still fresh in my mind, as was the fact that I had just read the ending. "So, today I reread The Great Gatsby." I broke the ice.

"Again? What, you've read it like a hundred times already?"

"Only a couple of times. It's a good book," I responded.

"I'm aware of that too. I've read it as well," Y/N murmured.

"Daisy was Gatsby's true love. Despite everything, he genuinely loved her until the day he died."

"It's a heartbreaking love story." Y/N opened his eyes and looked at me through the darkness of the room. He could almost see the gears in my head turning. He thinks it'll be one of those nights. "What are you thinking?" He supported his head with one arm. I remained silent for a long time, as if debating whether or not to speak.

"It's just... Will you still love me when I'm all old and grey and wrinkled, you know, not as young and lively looking?"

"What kind of question is that?" he scoffed in response.

"I don't know! I was just reading when the thought came to me. I guess Gatsby's love simply moved me. "

"Pfft, I love you more than Gatsby could have loved Daisy," he claimed

"I don't know... I haven't seen you throw outrageously grand parties in the hopes that I will come to see them... or offer to take the blame for an accidental murder..."

"That's all fiction, Rina," he smirked. "I don't need to do any of that."

"I know, Oppa," I yawned. "I love you from the inside out, and I know you love me too, but a lot can change in a lifetime, or even a few years."

"Stop worrying, Rina." With a smile, he sighed and moved to push my hair off my brow. "Nothing is going to change. I wouldn't be with you right now unless I thought we were perfect for each other, which we are." I smiled warmly at him.

"You're completely right. I'm just over here thinking too much. Besides, you're no Gatsby! He was obsessed with her, unlike you," I chuckled.

"I'm in a wholesome amount of love with you. I don't know about you, Rina, but I think you're just a little too obsessed with me," he said.

I giggled and smacked his arm gently. "You wish!"



The next morning, I awoke to the sound of music and the absence of Karina from the bed. I rolled over, my nose scrunching in confusion. Karina never woke up earlier than me. I jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face before going downstairs. I sighed, still tired from a late night of writing. The music in the kitchen was now louder. Karina was in there, singing through the lyrics of her group song.

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