HANAHAKI BASIL (Part 1; A new world)

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  Basil jerked awake, he got out of bed swiftly and looked around the room. 

Huh..? Basil thought to himself.

 He felt dizzy, he went to the bathroom, feeling like he was going to throw up. He feel weakly onto the floor as he burst open the door, he got up swiftly and blinked away sleepiness. He realized a small drop of blood dripping from his mouth.

  Ugh.. What is going on? Basil thought to himself. 

He wiped the blood from his mouth and rinsed his face. he gave himself a concerned look in the mirror, the light flickered for a moment, then turned back on. Basil got a little scared, but he pushed it aside. He picked up his toothbrush and began to brush his teeth. 

Basil went back to his room, changed clothes. Then, he watered his flowers, inside the house and outside. He walked to Faraway Park and saw Aubrey's friend, Kimberly, Almost as soon as he walked down the street.

  Basil rushed over to Kimberly "Hey! Uh.. Kim, Do you know where Aubrey is?"

 Basil asked in a cracked up voice. Kimberly turned to Basil, glaring at him. 

"No." Basil could tell it was a lie, Kimberly always lied. "

How about you go ask a gun." Kimberly chuckled, like it was the funniest joke she had made since Middle School.

  Basil cringed at the joke, he glanced around. "Please Kim! Just tell me where she is, I know you know where she is, just spill it! I have to talk to her!" 

At that moment, Two people started watching, One was Kel, Basil's old friend. The other was Sunny, Basil's best friend and crush.

  Basil didn't really take notice to Kel and Sunny walking up to Kimberly and his conversion at first. He was busy talking to Kimberly. At that moment, Aubrey came from behind the trees. Aubrey glared at Basil, then, ask; 

"What do you want, Basil." Basil felt a little pressured. "I just wanted to ask for my photo album back..!"

 Basil back up a little bit, Aubrey was a big bully and the leader of her new found friend group, The Hooligans. 

  Aubrey sighed and glared at Basil again. And then walked up closer to me, grabbed Basil by his  arm and clutch onto it really hard. Then, she said 

"After what you did to it? Ha! No way, Crybaby."

 she then twisted Basil's arm a bit and then threw Basil to the ground. Then, a shout came from next to them. 

"Aubrey! Stop bullying Basil!" It was Kel! Sunny wasn't in view of Basil's vison though.

  Aubrey turned to Kel, then spotted Sunny. "Look who finally decided to get out of the house!"

 Aubrey pointed her bat to Sunny, Basil seemed confused at first, then looked a bit to the side, then he saw Sunny, He froze. His crush, who left him with all the guilt for four years had finally come out of the house, he looked so pale.

  Basil just stared in shock at Sunny, Sunny finally looked back. Basil's eyes soften, The love of his life was right in front of him, Again. He looked away for a moment, then Aubrey shouted; 


 Shoot. Kel and Aubrey were probably arguing and he didn't even notice he was so distracted.

  Aubrey pointed her bat at both of them, then swung, thankfully, Kel dodged. Kel threw his basketball at her and he got it on point. 

Of course he had good aim! Hes a basketball player, anyways, Sunny went in for a attack, Basil looked closely at what Sunny was holding.. It was a knife?! Basil quickly ran in between Aubrey and Sunny. 

HANAHAKI Basil. (OMORI SUNFLOWER)Where stories live. Discover now