HANAHAKI Basil (Part 7: Bloodworks)

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I wiped the blood from my mouth, I chuckle, trying to face my blood stained shirt away from Sunny.

"Bas?" His voice was filled with fear.

"I-I can explain." I say as the smell of flowers is overpowering.

"Basil..." He said as he crouched down next to me, looking at the flower petals slipping from my lips.

"Basil, w-we gotta get you to a hospital..." Sunny said as he grabbed my blood stained shirt.

"B-But I'm fine!" I'm not fine. I feel like a blood-less flesh suit. I simply feel empty besides some tingly feeling of the flowers scraping against my stomach.

"No you're not! You're bleeding, your bleeding from your mouth- and there are flowers mixed in with the blood! DID YOU EAT A FLOWER!?" He said in a quick and panicked voice as he grabbed my arms and started dragging me out the bathroom.

"N-No!" I can't do anything against him. My body was too weak, and I don't want him to think bad of me. But I don't want to be a burden either.

I struggle a bit, blood stained flower petals continue to slip from my lips.

"Aubs! Kel! Call 911!" He says as plops me on the couch.

Aubrey and Kel stare in horror, Aubrey starts to dial 911.

"How did this even happen?" Kel says in a terrified voice.

"I don't know! He never told me about this!" Sunny says, holding me against himself. The warmth of his body made me get goosebumps.

I feel so dizzy now, everything is spinning. The smell flowers is so overwhelming to the point I think the others can smell it mixed in with the bitter stench of blood.

"...This is so bad..." Aubrey says quietly as she holds the phone to her ear.

I can barely feel my body, all I can hear is the muffled voices if my friends.

I soon fall into another sleep. Feeling the warmth around me spread.

Then, the coldness of the floor of FlowerSpace hit me.

I look at my hand.

I'm- Haki..?

I stand up, looks around to see nether the spirit of Haki and no Hana.

I look up, I see Haki hovering over me.

"Did you pass outtt..?" Haki taunted, his voice echoed through out Flowerspace.

"Shut it." I sat in an angered voice.

"No promises!" He says, laughing.

I sigh, picking up the Sickles from off the ground, walking through the door that leads to Headspace.

I see Sunny sitting at the stairs that lead outside.

Hero, Aubrey and Kel sitting in the middle of the room, playing cards.

I notice something....


"Sunny?" I say, Sunny notices me and walks over.

"Hi." He says, flicking his tail.

"...what is all of this??" I say in a very confused voice.

" Oh, it's just that the xreator forget for the entire last 6 chapters to add the animal ears from her animated versions of this series." He says as I reach my hand out to touch his cat-like ears.

"Wait, we were animated at some point?" I tilt my head.

"Yeah, but the creator gave up because it ruined her storage." He says as he yawns.

"Oh, makes sense." I pull him into a hug before realizing something.

"Wait, why don't I have animal ears, or a tail?" He just shrugged.

"I don't know. Ask Vi." Sunny answered.

"Who the fuck is Vi?" I ask with a confused voice once again.

"Our creator?" He responses again, pulling my arm to signal that he wants to go outside.

"Oh." I chuckle, following his lead.

We walk for a little bit, pick some flowers, share some stupid stories, we're overall having a great time.

"Oh yeah! Where's mari..?" I day in a confused voice.

I hear a new voice come from behind us.

"Eh, gone. She ran a long time ago." I tu4n my head to see Aubrey.

I spin my head to met with a bat right in my face. An new impact hitting my face too.

"Jeez, why can't you guys just run away too already? We rule this area, and you know it!" Aubrey grinned, I rub my face.

Haki snickers at my injury, sitting back against a non-existent chair

"It can belong to anyone! Just leave us alone, Aubrey!" Sunny says, flicking his tail. Aubrey lifts her bat, Sunny's ears lower to his side.

Haki snapped as he saw Aubrey start swing her bat.

'Let me in!!' Haki demanded, tugging at my hair.

'Now!' I feel him bump in against me. I feel my soul leave my body. I look over, I'm not in Haki's body anymore!

Haki's body stood, now I understand. He kicked me out.

(WARNING: The next few paragraphs includes graphic gore, if not interested, please skip to the next gap in the story.)

Haki lifted the Sickles from off his belt. Lifting them in the air before lowering them, stabbing them into Aubrey's back.

Aubrey let out a loud scream, looking behind her to see Haki's twisted face.

"HAKI! L-LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Haki didn't listen, lifting his other sickle into her shoulder.

Aubrey screamed out again. Kel and Hero stood there in horror.

"Shut it." Haki spook, dragging his Sickles down her back, she screams in agony.

Haki lifts his Sickles, digging it right under the back of her neck. Aubrey continues to scream in sob and scare.

Haki stands there calmly, a small grin on his face. He starts to scratch away st Aubrey's spine, that is now exposed due to the lack of flesh hiding it.

After cutting it off from her head, she collapses. He doesn't stop there though.

Haki grabs at Aubrey spine, in a fit of pure rage, he rips out her spine, the flesh still attached.

He throws it to the ground to continue ripping at her back until she's diced to pieces.

No one spook a word, everyone besides Haki was frozen.

I finally move, grabbing at his shirt.

"HAKI! HAKI, STOP! SHES ALREADY DEAD." I scream out to him.

'Jobs not done.' He whispers to me. Continuing to rip her corpse apart.

(I honestly don't know how continue yhis, so imma just end it here.)

HANAHAKI Basil. (OMORI SUNFLOWER)Where stories live. Discover now