9. Choices

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''Rhaenyra!" Aislynn looked to the king before side stepping away from Rhaenyra.

"Have fun. Thanks for the ride. If he doesnt kill you lets do that again." Aislynn offered before running out.

"Aislynn!" Alicent declared. "What happened! Where did you- you flew on that beast didnt you?" Alicent realized.

"Syrax is beautiful!" Aislynn declared. "That was such a high!"

"Father is going to kill you when he finds out." Alicent corrected.

"I saw him at dragonstone." Aislynn corrected. Alicents jaw dropped. "He was totally and completely fine with it." Aislynn remarked nonchalantly.

"Liar." Alicent corrected as she leaned into her elder sister.

"Not a lie and he was totally fine with it." Aislynn couldnt say it with a straight face, she was already laughing.

"Hello your grace." The girls echoed as Viserys approached them.

"Lady Aislynn..."

"Hello your grace I hope you were not too hard on Rhaenyra she is a lovely girl and just wanted to... help." AIslynn offered. "Also it was her idea I just went along for supervision."

"She said not to blame you. It was her idea." Viserys assured.

"Whoo." Aislynn declared. "Thats good to hear.... but shes okay? You are two are okay, right?"

"Yes. Thank you." Viserys agreed looking between the sisters.

"Goodnight your grace." Aislynn coed pulling ALicent along.

"Might I have word lady Aislynn?" Viserys corrected.

"Sure. Ali go on to bed its past your bed time." Aislynn teased. "Just a moment your Grace" she added when she saw her sisters worried little face.  "What was that look?" Aislynn whispered when they pulled away from viserys.

"What look?" Alicent countered.

"Stop picking at your nails. Whats wrong?" Aislynn questioned.

"Nothing. Everything. Lynnie I'm just... it's everything. I love you and never want you to leave." Alicent begged.

"Never I'm right here." Aislynn assured her. "But i cant keep the king waiting. I will find you after. Go home go to bed. I will come jump on your bed."

"Thanks lynnie." Aislynn gave her hand a squeeze before moving to viserys chambers.

"You are an intriguing woman Lady Aislynn." Viserys remarked.

"Thank you. I think so to." Aislynn agreed. He Chuckle nodding to the seat across from him. "Oh this kind of talk." Aislynn remarked taking a graceful seat.

"I find my council bores me and you excite me Aislynn." Viserys remarked honestly.

"Well thats what you get when you stack the table with old grumpy men." Aislynn agreed.

"What would you do?" Viserys questioned curiously.

"Well for starters I would Institute a day to celebrate women. Do you know how much we do for the world and how little we are appreciated. Not me personally I'm a carriage wreck of course." She mused. Viserys laughed out. " then once the world sees how wonderful us women are I would make sure that every man woman and child knew how to defend themselves. My brothers and I trained together for years. My mother didn't like it my father hated it!" she declared "but I love spending time with them getting to pummel on my elder brothers. They always went easy on me until they were tired of getting bruises." she added.

"do you see?" Viserys questioned smiling brightly at her. "I havent smiled this much in ages."

"Well then im glad to be of service your grace." Aislynn agreed bowing dramatically from her seat.

"Please, call me viserys."


"Why are you wearing that?" Aislynn questioned.

"I like it." ALicent offered.

"You look uncomfortable." Aislynn corrected.

"No I dont." ALicnt offered.

"Yes you do." Aislynn corrected. "It wasnt a question sweetie but a statement. You look uncomfortable."

"Once this is done I will be feeling better, I know how much Rhaenyra was... anxious about it." Alicent offered.

"Laena, the poor girl. Viserys is a man. A grown ass man and Laena probably hasnt flowered yet and yet she will be wed..." Aislynn groaned out. "Its disgusting really."

"Tis the position we are in." ALicent remarked. "Our day will come."

"I want a handsome strong knight. Not a man twice my age and looks like decay on certain days of the week." Aislynn corrected. But she found she did enjoy viserys company. He was sweet man with a kind smile.

"He's not... awful." Alicent offered.

"I'm not saying he is awful. But I wouldnt want to fuck him." Aislynn declared. Not after having young thick cock like her brother. That was for sure. Targaryens had queer customs that Aislynn fully embraced in private.

"AISLYNN!" Alicent declared laughing out as Aislynn fixed her hair.

"Come on, you look perfect to congratulate the little Velaryon cutie on the death of her happiness." Aislynn assured. "Father, handsome as always, why that face?"

"What face?" Otto countered as they walked.

"The smug I'm about to get everything I wanted look." Aislynn remarked.

"I dont have a clue what you mean Aislynn." Otto corrected. "Come on." Aislynn stood beside Alicent bumping her hip into Alicent occasionally as she grew bored easily waiting.

"What's going to be like to call a younger girl mother?" Aislynn pondered and Rhaenyra's gaze shifted up to her. "I would hate it." Aislynn offered.

"I dont like it." Rhaenyra admitted. "Will you stay around? Make the transition easier?"

"Of course! Until I grow bored of the capital, I'm already bored just so you know." Aislynn mused. "But I'm staying for a bit, you know I love stirring up trouble with Tommy back home."

"When are you getting-"

"La, La, la!!!" Aislynn declared. "I can't hear you!"

"Aislynn never wants to get married." Alicent added.

"I havent met... or maybe... well not a suitable prospect I suppose... but he will come and I will be enthusiastic with love." Aislynn declared.

"Aislynn." Otto begged.

"Daddy dearest calls!" Aislynn declared pulling away from Rhaenyra. Aislynn hugged Alicent to her as the king came in he held a smile on his face looking to Aislynn.

"Someone is excited to fuck a child." Aislynn mused and Alicent stared nervously at her feet.

'Good morrow, my lords." Viserys said as he approached his council. "I have decided to take a new wife. I intend to marry..." Viserys looked around the council.  "the Lady Aislynn Hightower before spring's end." Aislynns jaw dropped before she quickly recovered. She smiled softly. Otto didnt recover as quickly. He blinked back at them. Aislynn? His temperamental aislynn had won the kings favor? Still a hightower on the throne he supposed.

"This is an absurdity. My house is Valyrian, the greatest power in the realm." Corlys exclaimed.

"This is a... surprise." Aislynn offered and otto had never seen his daughter speechless before. She truly was now.

"And I am your King." Viserys corrected. He stared back at his daughter. Rhaenyra looked to Aislynn confused. Aislynn was always like a soster to her but she never knew that she was interested in her father. She wasnt around a lot. Rhaenyra stared at her silently.

"Excellent choice." Otto whispered fisting his hand under the table in a little hidden cheer. Alicent still looked sick but Aislynn offered her a assuring smile.

Little Devil / Viserys Targaryen / Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now