19. Aegon

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Aislynn knew that the traditions of giving birth were simple. The queen would be surrounded by hand maidens maesters and her King would be far away. Hunting or forging some thing to bring back to honor the new babe that would be born. There was a tournament for Aemmas last birth and Aislynn said hell no. She didnt want the realms knowing she was giving birth.

They would know when the babe came. Viserys was in the study. He had never been a part of the birthing process. Tommy however was right beside his sister.

"Its not right you have to leave ser!"

"Which one of you is going to remove me?" Tommy countered as he held tight to Aislynns hand. "Thought not." Tommy agreed.

"I want him here." Aislynn assured. "Hes my brother. I need him."

And she did. She needed his strength and his love throughout this awful process of being ripped apart by a tiny human.

A boy. Gypsy tea was right. They lifted the little boy like he was a God bestowed upon westeros.

"Get his grace. A son is born!"

"Give me my baby." Aislynn demanded.

"His grace-"

"Give me my baby." She annunciated every word like it was its own sentence. "Hes perfect... so perfect."


Aislynn didnt love the name. She didnt hate it. She knew her targaryen history. Aegon the conqueror. A warrior. A man to look up to. He was also a fool and aislynns children would be no fool.

"Aegon? Are you sure?" Aislynn countered as Aegon sucked at her teat.

"Yes. I had a dream my dearest. I had a dream. Aegon. He will..." viserys stopped himself.

"He will what?" Aislynn questioned.

"A son!" Otto declared. Tommy had made his exit. He couldnt stand viserys doting over aislynn and the babe. "Good job my love." Otto kissed aislynn head and she smiled up at him.

"Yes its a party in here everyone come on in!" Aislynn mused as Finn and John and Arthur all burst through the doors.

"Mama can I see him?" Finn asked.

"Tommy told us the good news."  John agreed.

"Let me see him!" Arthur declared. "Oh baby!" He bellowed. "Look at the baby! Sweet baby-" arthur held him up and Aegons eyes went wide before he screamed out.

"Give me my baby back," aislynn requested.

"Right right hes little. We will have fun when you are older." Arthur remarked passing him back. Aislynn bounced him in her arms before he settled against her chest.

 "Out out out-"

"What?" John whinned. "Arthur made him cry-"

"Hes hungry." Aislynn corrected.

"Yep not targaryen." Arthur agreed. "Gross."

"Dont call my breasts gross." Aislynn demanded.

"Mama can I hold him?" Finn questioned sitting beside her.

"After hes fed." Aislynn agreed. As the rest of her brothers cleared out and finn waited patiently with his arms extended for his new sibling.

Viserys couldnt believe he finally had a son. Finally had an heir. But he had an heir. He named rhaenyra but this... Gods this was too much. He had a son and he wanted to name a babe heir over his grown daughter. He was being foolish and emotional.

"Aislynn- oh sorry!" Rhaenyra declared covering her eyes and turning around she rammed back into the doorframe with an ow.

"Come on in." Aislynn assured draping a blanket over her shoulders and chest.

"I have a brother." Rhaenyra remarked and viserys face pinched. Aegon. The babe to lead them into the future. To rule. To be king.

"Aegon." Viserys agreed.

"Aegon," rhaenyra repeated. "Lovely." Rhaenyra took a step back cringing as aegon wailed out. Aislynn shifted him to her opposite breast. He silenced latching on.

"You ever been around babies Rhaenyra?" Aislynn questioned.

"Nope." Rhaenyra answered.

"Aislynn has been around children all her life."  Tommy remarked as he came in. Aislynn offered him a small smile. "Ali been in to see the baby?"

"She came she awed and went to get me food." Aislynn agreed. Tommy pressed a kiss to her temple hands kneading on her shoulders.

"How is the marriage hunt for Rhaenyra going? Any suitors?" Aislynn added and rhaenyra shook her head viciously. "Live life fuck the boys and-"

"Aislynn!" Viserys declared. "She os the princess. A womens reputation-"

"Prude." Aislynn countered.


"Best step mum ever." Rhaenyra countered happily.

"Dont listen to her." Viserys begged.

"Im half teasing." Aislynn assured.

"Mum. Can i hold aegon now?"

Little Devil / Viserys Targaryen / Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now