Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

October 2000

"Tre, when will mommy be back?" Makayla asked while combing her dolls hair. I twisted her hair into 3 thick ponytails as I had seen momma do it many times before.

"She'll probably be back this week." I said to her for the 3 week in a row. Our food was low and I wasn't sure how many more time I would be able to ask the neighbors or steal to make sure we ate. I was already just eating the minimum and I was starting to hurt. I had to make sure that Kayla ate though.

"Tre, can we have McDonald's tonight." She turned and looked at me with her innocent 6 year old face. I wished that I could give her McDonald's but the truth was I couldn't afford it.

"We'll have McDonald's for the weekend." I smiled at her. She smiled back and resumed combing her dolls hair. I took a deep breath and went over to the kitchen. I wasn't sure what we had in here other than noodles. We were lucky the water and electricity hadn't been turned off yet. But I knew it would be soon, I had opened the mail that had come to the house.

"Hey Kayla, stay here. I'm going outside for a little bit. I'll be back ok."


"Lock the door."


"Don't answer it for anyone but me. I'll do our secret knock ok?"


"Makayla, I'm serious." I said sternly. She looked up at me and frowned.

"Ok Montreal. I said ok." I walked over and wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead. I grabbed the clock from the counter.

"I'll be back before the clocks says 6 3 0."


"I love you Kay-kay."

"I love you too Tre Tre." She laughed and I pinched her cheek before leaving the house and waiting for her to lock the door. I took a deep breath. I wasn't sure what I was about to do but I was about to do it. I know the guys that stood at the corner of my street all had nice things and maybe they could teach me how they got them because I was sure that none of them had real jobs because they stood outside all day. I started walking in that direction but made a detour across the street when they all turned and looked at me.

I was scared to approach these guys. They looked mean and I had definitely seen one of them with a gun before. I knocked on the door of the red brick house directly across from mine.

"What's up homie?" Kevin greeted me. I dapped his hand and pulled him in for a hug.

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