Rebecca X M.D reader

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I flew around the city looking for anyone I could snack on as I needed oil desperately, the rest of my squad had already over heated leaving me the sole survivor to finish the job. I noticed a group of girls trying to sneak around but they weren't very good at it. I landed in front of them scaring them "There in this city too!" I hear the blonde yell as she scrambles to try and get away, I didn't waste any time and shot one of them as the other two ran away. I grabbed her lifeless body drinking as much oil out of it as I could get, once I had got it all I tossed it to the side "Still need more!" I growled seeing the alert still on my screen. I took to the sky's again looking for the pair which didn't take long as I found there tracks in the snow. They ran into a building so I landed and followed the tracks as best I could stalking around the hallways. I kept my ears open for any noise and eventually I heard some "I can hear you!" I say as I entered the room they were hiding in. I scanned the room for them and noticed a slight difference in color through the stakes on the closet door, I walked over ripping it open the blonde screamed as I grabbed her, I didn't even bother to kill her before I bit her neck, she squirmed as I drank her oil and her thrashing slowly came to an end as I sucked her body dry. Once I stopped getting oil I tossed her body to the side and went to look for the third and final one. I didn't need anymore oil but I planned on keeping her as emergency food as I had gone weeks without finding anything. I returned to sneaking around as I listened again, I got to the second floor and almost instantly found her from her sobs, once I grabbed her expecting her to scream instead she just went limp waiting for death. I shook my head smiling "Too easy" I say jumping out the window with her.

I landed at my home which was my squads pod we landed in, I already had some chains ready as I had planned on keeping one for extra food if I got the chance. I got her chain up and laid down "Your not going to kill me?" She asked "Not yet, it's been scares picking for awhile now, your my emergency food" I say "We never should have left our old city..." she says "Why did you leave?" I asked "Our home got attacked and we fled, my friend said she heard our city was the only one with drones in it, that was clearly a lie..." she says "Ha! You drones really are stupid!" I say. She didn't say and just curled up into a ball "Are you going to kill me and drink all my oil at once?" She asked "Is there any other way to do it?" I asked "Well kinda, my body can make oil indefinitely as long as I'm still alive. So if you only took little amounts here and there I could feed you forever" she says "Hmm consider yourself lucky then, your my new all you can drink buffet. I'll keep you alive so I can finish my mission. Then I'll dispose of you" I say "But then you'll die..." she says "No I'll..... what will happen to me once I'm done here?" I asked aloud "You don't know?" She asked "No... I figured I'd just get sent an escape pod to return to earth but that trip takes a month or more, and if your kind are all dead. I'll over heat before the pod even arrived." I say "Maybe the they won't take you back, maybe you'll be left here to die" she says "No! Why would they do that?" I asked her "Well a girl in my old colony said she thinks you guys are here to clean up there mistakes and then die out" she says "What do you mean? Why would we be left to die?" I asked sitting up "Maybe the company doesn't like you, if they did why would you die without oil under the amount of time it took them to get you back safely?" She says which made me think "A short sighted error! Surely they have figured out how to get here faster!" I say not wanting to believe this drone. "Or maybe they just don't care, this pod is a one way missile and it doesn't even work anymore, how can you report a job complete without having any communication with them?" She says "Ah....  Only the squad leader could and he's dead..." I says remembering D was the only one directly connected to the company's communications. "So in other words you'll be left to die" she says "Guess I'll just fly to another city once I cleared this one! I'll help them and get home with them!" I say "Uhhh and you think they won't over heat as well? You've seen what happens when the worker counts get low. You really think they'll let you stick around once it gets low enough?" She asked "I'll tell them to keep emergency food as well! Be a good little oil bag and I just might bring you with me!" I say running my claw along her chin. She was about to speak up again when I covered her mouth "Another word and I'll cut your tongue out" I say as she nodded. I wrapped my tail around the pipe I had installed in the pod lifting myself out hanging upside down, I batted the makeshift door to the pod closed to block the sun out and I went to sleep.

The next few months we're not as boring as I thought they'd be as Rebecca as I'd come to know her was pleasant company. I had found more chain to make her collar longer so she could walk around more but was still trapped at the pod. I hadn't found anymore workers for a few weeks now checking high and low for them but couldn't find anything. I landed back at the pod as the sun would soon be up and saw Rebecca walking around outside looking for things "Oh hey Y/n! Did you find anyone?" She asked. I was surprised at how quickly she moved past the whole murder thing and genuinely saw me as her friend "Nah, another empty day, I'm starting to think I've gotten everyone" I say walking over to her. Her eyes closed as she knew that meant I would drink some of her oil. I didn't plan on it immediately as I was keeping myself topped off pretty well, only drinking when I dropped below a quarter of my oil levels. Once I got to her she looked up at me worried but held her arm out as it was where I normally drank from, instead I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the pod climbing in "What's with the sudden holding?" She asked, "I've been thinking lately" I say setting her down on her little bed I had made for her "About?" She asked "This whole thing, the worker clean up program and the corruption you are supposed to have. None of it makes sense now, your not corrupted we were sent here with our memory's wiped but I've slowly recovered a few and realized I was also a worker once" I say as she looked at me confused "You were a worker? What happened to you?" She asked "I don't know, I can't remember it all. I remember I was a worker serving as a nurse of sorts. I took care of sick people." I say "Explains why you are always checking my health" she says "I've also realized something else" I say as she tilted her head a little "What?" She asked "I might want to keep you around indefinitely" I say slightly embarrassed as it was more then that. "Uhh, why are you blushing?" She asked "No reason, just a memory of something stupid I did with my friends" I say trying to lie to her. "Didn't you say you didn't have friends?" She asked "Before I was a disassembly drone?" I say hoping she believed me. She pondered for a moment before it hit her "You have a crush on me!?" She blurted out "Maybe?" I say embarrassed at her figuring it out. I heard her snicker and I dropped my head "I knew it was stupid" I say raising my claw. She cowered away thinking I was going to kill her, but instead I broke her chain "Your free to go, I'll be leaving for another city tonight" I say. But she didn't move "I wasn't laughing at the idea, I was laughing cause your the big bad murder drone who exterminated an entire city yet you can't tell a girl you like her" she says "Sure, just get going, you'll be long out of the city by nightfall" I say expecting her to leave but again she just sat there. I looked at her as she smiled pushing her way into my arms, she rested herself against me "I've been getting feelings for you as well over the past few months" she says. I smiled not even responding wrapping my arms around her as she liked me back.

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