Chapter Seven

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Maybe the scene on the door should have tipped her off, but the last thing Kate was expecting when she stepped through was to find herself in a forest glade. Or a pretty damn good approximation of one, at least.

A few stone steps led down to bright green grass where the stream from the hall had branched off and meandered through a cavernous room ringed with thick, silver trunked trees, all reaching for a glass domed ceiling high, high above. Birdsong drifted in the air, light and life filling the room. Kate smiled, easily imagining wiling away the evening there, sprawled out on the grass with Aduil by her side, watching the stars come out. Until she caught sight of the lone figure at the far end of the room.

She recognized him instantly, even at such a distance, and her face fell as uneasiness settled back in.

On a throne of living wood, formed from the bent trunk and twisting, twining branches of a cherry tree, lounged Elanduil, King and Guardian of the Meadowood and all who dwelt within, looking every bit the regal, self-possessed ruler Kate knew him to be. He was the epitome of tall, dark and handsome, with shimmering midnight black hair the same shade as Aduil's cascading over his shoulders in stark contrast to a gleaming silver crown, shaped to look like woven twigs with ruby berries and emerald leaves. Silver and lazuline robes clung to his lithe form, setting off eyes of the deepest blue.

He cut quite the figure, the King of the Meadowood Realm. Until you saw the elf behind the beauty, and thanks to the Talerian Chronicles, Kate did. She knew exactly who this elf was.

He was the King who imprisoned a broken and starving Jex, who was only looking for sanctuary, simply because he was a Tolar. He was the King who banished the captain of his guard for leaving the Meadowood without permission to chase down a gaggle of goblins who had taken some humans captive. He was the King who had a whole chapter in the Talerian Chronicles dedicated to his ill-tempered nature, where he was said to be cold and strict, guarded, almost xenophobic, with little concern for anything beyond his borders. He cared for his people, it was said, but only his people, and did not offer his hospitality lightly.

Of course, that chapter was told from Jex's perspective, so it could be biased. Though, if the icy stare he leveled at Kate as they approached was anything to go by, it wasn't.

Yeah, this is fine, everything's cool here, she reassured herself, I'm not gonna get tossed in a dungeon or beheaded or anything, it's all good.

Though, a little warning would have been nice. She pitched a glare at Aduil's back, stumbling as she did.

"Dag nabbit!" she cursed and, catching herself before she could fall—for once—looked up in time to see the King raise one imperious eyebrow.

Wonderful. Great first impression.

Aduil stopped as they neared the King, slipping down onto one knee in a graceful bow.

"Anem uth, cui pilse, illen," he said, as Kate looked behind her to find the guards had also taken a knee.

Before she could decide if she was supposed to bow too, Aduil rose, whispering, "Stay."

"Arf," she quietly barked, earning a twitch of a smile before he moved to stand kitty-corner to the throne, leaving her to face the King alone.


She tugged at the hem of her shirt as the King regarded her with the same curiosity one might have for a particularly interesting bug that happened to cross their path, wondering if she was supposed to do something. Say something? How do you greet a King?

"H-hello, uh...oh! Maedh, your majesty, King Elanduil, sir," she said, curtsying with all the elegance of a baby deer taking its first steps.

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