Chapter Seventeen

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Kate paused with an apple slice halfway to her mouth. "How far is it to Havenvale?" she asked, before taking a bite of the crisp, juicy fruit. After the incident with the guards, they had decided it was best to head back inside and had returned to Kate's room to share a late lunch. Across the table, Aduil tilted his head in thought.

"Not too far. A fortnight or so, I believe, on foot, and less by horse." He paused, and spoke a little quieter when he continued, "I know you are eager to return to your world, so we may set out once the King grants us leave. Which I am certain he will, once he sees you are no threat to our lands or people."

Kate nodded, her hand hovering over the platter as she tried to decide on another fruit. Most of them were familiar, but there were a few that looked a little iffy. Like the blue fuzzy one. Probably best to stick with the known, but how often do you get the chance to try weird fruit from another world? "Okay, that sounds good. Will I need to meet with..." She trailed off, letting her hand slowly fall as she looked up. "Wait, did you say 'we'? You're coming with me?"

"Of course. I would not have you make such a journey alone." He leaned in and added in a conspiratorial whisper, "You can barely hold a sword."

"Hey, I was doing pretty good until your buddies came to save you," Kate retorted. "Especially for day one."

"I cannot argue that," Aduil agreed. "In truth, you surprise me. I did not think to see you learn so swiftly."

Kate quirked a brow at that, not sure whether she should be offended. His smile seemed genuine enough, though, so she let it go and grabbed a slice of the fruit with a blue fuzzy peel. "Well, I'm better at Escrima sticks, anyway." She took a small bite of the fleshy insides and chewed thoughtfully. It tasted like a citrusy watermelon. Weird. And kind of good.

"What is es-creem-a sticks?"

"They're—" She cut off, covering her mouth, and paused to swallow before starting again. "They're these sturdy, lightweight sticks, about as long as my arm, used in this fighting style called Kali."

"And you simply hit your enemy with a stick?" he asked dubiously.

"Well, sort of, though, I mean, there's a bit more to it than that. Actually, you'd probably be pretty good at it, with your superhero reflexes. Maybe I could show you sometime, if we could find some decent sticks."

"Perhaps. It does sound interesting..." he said thoughtfully. "Still, I am not certain how well a stick will serve against any who may wish you harm."

"Two sticks, thank you very much." She turned up her nose in mock offense, then let it go with half a shrug as she added, "But, yeah, I was actually thinking the same."

"Then it seems it is well I will join you," he said, and Kate could only agree. An elf with a sword was worlds better than Kate alone with a couple of sticks and a horse. And if that elf just happened to be Aduil, well.

Maybe it would be better—easier on her heart at the very least—to say goodbye here, make a clean break, but she just couldn't find it in herself to complain.

Besides, having Aduil along would solve a whole host of problems, she thought to herself as she finished her fuzzy fruit and grabbed another, problems like finding her way—even with a map, she wasn't all that confident she could make it. Now all that was left was getting out of the Meadowood. Aduil seemed pretty sure they'd be allowed to go, but on the off chance he was wrong, climbing out the window was still an option. Though, that would mean going it alone, without anything more than what she could scrounge in her room and forage along the way.

Without even saying goodbye.

So it was an option, but not a good one. She'd just have to hope it didn't come to that.

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