Chapter Twenty Three

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When Kate woke, it was with a wide smile and a deep, contented sigh, and she couldn't quite bring herself to open her eyes. Not yet. She felt better than she had in ages, warm and well rested, with such a sense of peace and comfort, she didn't even mind the muscles still stiff from a day's ride. That sweet dream she'd had didn't hurt either; cuddled up with Aduil under the stars, her head resting on his chest, the soft but steady sound of his heartbeat in her ear as he—wait.

If that was a dream, why could she still hear it? And smell that unmistakable mixture of fresh-cut grass and mint that always seemed to follow him around? Granted, it was overlayed with a good dose woodsmoke and horse, but...It was a dream, wasn't it?

Eyes still closed, she warily reached up and felt around, like something out of a stupid Donald Duck cartoon, until her fingers met a strong chin and soft lips which lifted into a smile, and she froze.

Aduil's chest rumbled under her ear as he chuckled. "What are you doing?"

She jumped back with a squeak as if stung—except a sting would have been so much better, or a bite, or a scratch, even a slap in the face. Those she could handle. But it couldn't be that easy, could it? No, she had to wake up hanging off Aduil like a blackout drunk, and worse, she didn't even have any booze to blame.

"Are you alright?"

Kate buried her face in her hands with a groan. What had she been thinking? "I am so sorry! I didn't mean to fall asleep on you like that."

Aduil laughed. "It is well."

"No, it's not." She let her hands fall. "You must have been so uncomfortable, why didn't you wake me? Or at least put me down or something?"

"It was no trouble. And you needed rest." He shrugged. Then, with a grin added, "Though, if you feel you must apologize for something you may do it for..." He trailed off, searching for words.

"What? What did I do? Oh, dag nabbit, don't tell me I drooled on you!"

Another low chuckle as he shook his head. "No, I do not believe so. You only—" he cut himself short and made a loud snoring sound.

Kate gasped. "I do not snore!"

"How would you know? You are asleep when you do it."

"Because I—hmm." He had a point. And honestly, he wasn't the first to tell her she snored, she'd just never believed it. Still, he didn't have to look so amused by it. She raised her chin before finishing, "Fine then. Sorry for snoring."

He waved it away. "It is no bother. In truth, it is cute."

"Then why bring it up?"

He raised a brow. "You are no longer worrying over the night's rest, are you?"

That startled a laugh out of Kate. "Oh, is that what you were doing?"

"It is," he said with a smug smile. "Diversion, one of my many, many talents."

"And so humble, too!" She grinned. "Alright mister talented, why don't you divert me to breakfast?"


Kate didn't have any more nightmares after that first, which was both a relief and a disappointment, and for the same reason. The warmth and safety, the comfort of falling asleep in Aduil's arms... She knew if she had the excuse to do it again, she would jump at it, flipping a big middle finger to that voice of reason telling her how much worse it would make things, how much more it would hurt to leave if she let herself get closer to him.

So, it was better that way; if she didn't have an excuse to seek his comfort, she could stay strong. And she would, she would hold her ground, she would not allow herself to fall.

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