New Beginning

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21st century India is far from being the hegemon of world. There can be as many reasons as one can think, no one can deny the benefits and edge provided by historical advantages to future prospects and prosperity of certain Country. India, having thousands of years of proven history and civilization, claims of having billions of years of  civilization and history of much more advanced science and technology are being made in ancient scriptures.

Story answers the question, what if changes were made in certain specific part of history itself, as it places itself on exciting fictional journey to take us through New Beginning of Mahabharata.

On Kailash mountain
  This is home of Mahadev and mata parvati as well as there closest followers and devotees. In kailash mountain on highest snowy peak sat Mahadev and parvati discussing on some worldly issues.
Mata parvati: " Nath, ' Dev Bhumi Bharatvarsh' is in very distressing conditions in kaliyug. Destruction of knowledge and technology after war of kurukshetra during Mahabharata era , distortion of essences and meaning of ancient texts like Veda and vedaang etc. as well as depletion of human morals and character, ascension of greed, selfishness and oppression by ruling and Elite class created problems in development of this beautiful land hence it got derailed and fell into abyss of poverty, war, chaos and slavery."

Mahadev: " Satya vachan devi Satya vachan. From being leader to looser, from being exporter of knowledge, innovation and technology to importer of science and innovation, from being owner of milk and honey streams to suffering in hunger, famine and malnutrition, from being golden lion to poor ant.....alas pain and sadness in my heart can't be described by mere words. People oppressing their own kins, rulers derailed from path of Dharma, embracing backwardness, greed and sin.....O! Narayana...they have failed our expectations ,devi."

Mata parvati: " who to blame Swami? Being granted the freedom of karma, what can we do except showing them right path. If they don't walk on that then they should suffer their suffering!!. To as much as I say these heartless world, these can't deny the fact that many are suffering from the deeds of only few."

Mahadev: " Effect of Kaliyug is distorting and complexifying the whole justice and balancing system thus delaying the normal process and creating backlog in whole system giving respite breeding ground for evil and darkness to flourish. Although everything will return to normalcy in this 'system of justice and balance'  after the end of Kaliyug."

Mata parvati: " Nath, I know that this is the cycle that has to go on and on ( from satyug to kalyug then again start from satyug) , despite that anger, pain and sadness after seeing this is still affecting me in subtle way."

Mahadev: " Being kind hearted like mother is your nature devi. Being persistent, unfettered and omnipotent is my nature. Although....". Mahadev suddenly stopped talking as he felt that Narayan itself is asking telepathically to descend on Kailash.

Seeing Mahadev lost in his thoughts and stopped talking, parvati urged to pull him out of transe but before that he said: "your Priya bhrata is asking permission to descend...". "Really..." said Mata Parvati as she was very happy for naryana's arrival.

Shri Hari Vishnu along with goddess of prosperity and wealth mata laxmi descended on Kailash mountain after obtaining clearance from owners of kailash.
After being welcomed and served refreshments, four seated to reminsce about some interesting events happened in each yug, talking and laughing, began to talk about their life and present thoughts and emotions regarding plight of people and bhatratvarsh in Kaliyug.

Mata laxmi: " seeing people in Kaliyug especially Dev bhoomi 'bharatvarsh' , i sometimes feels that I should guide them to right path either with hook or crook but then it will undermine the universal principal of non- interference in karmic way of individuals on mass scale , as their are no powerful yogis present on bhoomandal who can positively affect people to required extent and depth on larger basis. Although it will not be beyond our ( Tri-dev and tri-devi) reach but certainly will require much more engagement in later period as it will link cause and effect to us in much more massive and uncontrollable form which will require even greater involvement to make it controllable and manageable in acceptable limits, thus making it vicious cycle which will completely destroyed principal of non- involvement vis-a-vis individuals."

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