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Narayan's pov continued
While Devi Saraswati was still busy in search for solution, we started to discuss other things related or affected by our plan eg. To what extent we should involve ourselves, should we shield this incident and task from others or we will let it be known who has ability to spy on these things later on and if to what extent? If that selected candidate do penance as duryodana, should we relax on some criterion for our early darshan or just let the norm prevail or we should let nature take it's course and decide case by case basis as we may deem fit? To where will be arrange his education (if he succeeded in penance) dev lok or bhoo lok or some special arrangement is to be made and to whom should we entrust with his education and other things? What innate ability, power should we provide being helpful to him but not to that extent where everything is just served to him on golden platter?.... many more and what not. I started to get bored seeing three Devees suggesting and asserting themselves for more and more benefit for ' choosen-
one' , as if that person is biological son of tri- devi himself.
Well, it may  sound little bit...umm.... unusual from my mouth, but all humans regardless of which era they belong are our sons and daughters dear to me, so I think asking this much is bit over the top. I, being cheerful and habitual to see pros and cons of everything, is happy to make some compromise on my part but hehehee.... Mahadev being warrior to his bones is not habitually comfortable under demands of tri- Devi and bramha, the old man, well he is pretty adoptable fella.
        While these arguments and counter arguments were taking place between us; as I , Mahadev and bramha dev stressing to lessen the benefits while devi parvati and laxmi, due to their motherly instincts, demanding more and more and making arguments to make compromise on our ends; I saw Devi Saraswati being awake from his dhyana, smirking at us like watching some sope opera being staged in her home while see being mother in law and us being her sons and daughter in laws fighting over rights of property, well that is my part of humour.
I motioned everyone to stop the discussion and nodded at Devi Saraswati to put forward her solution.

Devi Saraswati pov
I being entrusted with heavy responsibility of finding solution to achieve balance between demands of tri- dev and Devees, started my dhyana. Well, as matter of fact, solution is simple and I had this idea very early on when first time disagreement took place. But while knowing the solution, i was more inclined to do calculation and analysis about aftermath due to solution. To speak in more layman terms, I was predicting extent of cause and effect of our involvement and also of deviation of balance due to my solution. Well it turns out not that bad but certainly require small but solid efforts to mend and reorganize the universal system that will go on for very very long period of time. Well, being smartest and most knowledgeable in entire universe, i have solution even for this if they think that efforts on our end are out of acceptable limit they can agree upon.
After doing complex analysis on my part ensuring correctness, feasibility and doablility of my proposed solution, i exited from my dhyan and saw a rather amusing scenery played in front of me. Intense discussion of demands was staged between two camp, one being emotional and assertive and other being hesitant and resistive. Devi camp, picturesque in maatra vatsalya, is eager to give as much as possible to their putra( suitable candidate or choosen one) while dev camp, picturesque as not only fatherly love but also pillars of universal balance and prospects, trying to lessen the benefits for choosen one with idea of let him make his own efforts for more benefits. Although I totally agree with Idea of dev camp for obvious reasons but more so with Devi camp  as we are compelling him to walk on this path. To as much as he has right to free karma, we should shoulder responsibility of giving him adequate perks not only as form of compensation but also useful in his journey to completion of holy task.
                          While these thoughts were churning in my minds as I was lost in my thinking, an instictive amusing smile was hung on my face, I saw Shri Hari Vishnu waving his hand to me to express my thoughts and of course solution.

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