Efforts for change

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Brahma lok
Brahma dev Pov continued
Mata laxmi: "But being raised in that lovely suta family, being denied education and overall character development, being burdened by curses as like old timeline etc,  if changes are not made on these aspects then his personality riddled with various defects and imperfections, spider web created of rigid social class and caste discrimination by those greedy crocodiles of Elite classes, concentration of knowledge and most of the wealth in hands of Elite classes, his rule would not be so solid, profound, far reaching and that everlasting as being opposed by influential classes and opposition and strife created due to instigation of Elite class and their own narrow, rigid and molded mindset. It will be very difficult for us to change opinion, thinking and mindset of masses due to our very limited involvement."
Mata Parvati continued: " If we change his birth and upbringing, then not having understanding and experience of pain of downtrodden and common people, i highly doubt that if he will be same Karn as we have seen."

I continued: " Not only that devi, we need someone not only with reason and free thinking along with some modern thoughts, knowledge and experience, but also someone who has understanding, experience to uplift the masses, having empathy, zeal, courage, kindness, ambition, toughness, intelligent and shrewd enough to overcome these difficulties."

Shri Hari: " Then we should look for someone from Kaliyug with these traits, as we don't have to do much regarding foundation and direction."

Mahadev: " so now question remains that, who should be we select from dwyaapar yug and from Kaliyug?"

Mata saraswati: " In my opinion, we should choose ' Kuru prince duryodana' from dwvaapar yug as he said to be incarnation of Kali ( Kali demon on whose name kaliyug is based). Him being eldest son of dhritarashtra, kshatriya by birth (as they call), ambition to sit on throne, powerful warrior and influential figure in whole aryavart etc. It fits almost all requirements while his defects and imperfections can be mended with the help of person from Kaliyug and our guidance  and through his changes on path of Dharma, evilness and darkness of 'Kali' will also reduce and so it's effects on humans of kaliyug."

I along with Shri Hari and Mahadev said in unison: " Sadhu vad Devi, sadhuvad."

Devi parvati and Devi Laxmi also exclaimed in Praise.

Shri Hari Vishnu: " Then I think we should contact Kaal chakra to look for someone suitable in kaliyug. It will also avoid our direct involvement as that person will change and impact on much larger extent."

Devi Saraswati: " I think we should provide him some solid help as that person will carry very huge karma, cause and effect and to balance that he has to do penance much longer and difficult. Afterall we are causing him to walk on this path."

I said: " Satya vachan devi."
Shri Hari, Mahadev, Devi parvati and Laxmi also expressed their understanding and approval.
                                So, we started discussing on what to provide him as benefits.

I stated: " I think we should provide him all knowledges, kalas and understanding of everything from micro to macro, from ved, vedaang, upnishad, saastra, Sangeet etc."

Mata saraswati: " I think we should rather provide him with prakhar buddhi, dheeti, Smriti, pragya, medha etc. So that he can learn available knowledge, experiment and apply in practice and create application of that knowledge."

Mata laxmi: " I think, being king/ emperor, he should be accompanied with samridhi( prosperity), asevarya( wealth), Aayush(health) and bhagya(good luck) etc. As without these, he can't show his Full potential and generate the desired results."

Shri Hari: " He should also have calm, collected and cheerful personality along with will and temperament of emperor. " Yato Raja, tato praja". Someone who himself is not cheerful and happy, how can he make others cheerful and happy."

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