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After listening all these things, first I was excited that I am going to be born in Mahabharata period like those time travel Stories. I always wanted to be reborn as Duryodhana but I got solemn that since holy task is also to be completed and many -2 powerful beings are there in Mahabharata, so lets pray that things go in right direction.

I don't know where and in what situation I will be born. I don't know what other problems and responsibilities I'm going to shoulder on. I can't refuse as supreme ones has already decided nor I wanted to refuse but I most certainly wanted to be very powerful, intelligent and resourceful to not only achieve my dream but also complete holy task as smoothly as possible. Tri-dev and tri-devi said that they will give me boons so how many boons would I get and what should I ask??? After some consideration I replied: " Hey tri- dev, hey mothers; I'm nothing but ignorant child. Please enlighten me. I don't know what could be beneficial for me in this journey, so I am surrendering myself to you completely. What you consider from your standing for me that would make my journey and completion of holy task smooth as possible, please bestow upon me those things as boons. Your wisdom and vision is supreme and unattenable, whatever comes from your wisdom would certainly be the best thing possible for me during this journey."

Hearing my plea, Tri-dev and tri-devi burst into laughter. Mata Saraswati said: " Son, there are many who would ask by themselves. They think that their knowledge and wisdom gives them advantage to get best of what could they possibly ask but there are many things which can happen in the game of word play and examples are abundant in history. People had asked for power beyond universe but they lost it's control; someone specified for full control but lost the urge to use it over time and many more. Well although we didn't specify the number of boons, those who can be present in front of us under these situations, we certainly will not deny even if no. of things asked as boons exceeds the number we have in Mind. But the way you asked is unique. What's best for you according to our wisdom.... hahaha ha.... To get through this ordeal as smoothly as possible....hmmmm; if we don't give you adequate and enough to cope up with difficulties smoothly then it's will be like our wisdom wasn't enough. Hahahahaha.... your little cleverness and greed is not hidden from us instead parents finds joy if children show their cleverness and ambition. Accept the gifts or boons if you like to call; from us O! Choosen one that will accompany you to your journey and will make it smooth though Gods helps only those who helps themselves."

After that I saw from the position of tri-dev and tri-devi, three dazzling light orbs came and it got entered into me. I then immediately prayed " hey creator bramha dev, hey goddess of knowledge mata saraswati, hey Shri Hari Vishnu, hey goddess of wealth and prosperity mata laxmi, hey devadhidev Mahadev, hey aadi shakti mata parvati; please always keep your blessings and love upon me, give me enough qualities and motivation to complete holy task. I shall always remain on path of Dharma and complete this journey. Please watch over me and enlighten me."

Mata Laxmi said: " we always watch over our devotees Prakhar and we always provide them right direction through the voice of their inner consciousness but creatures are free to perform their karma and world runs through the non interference principal in karmic way. It's time that your journey should start and your existence is known only to us six and kaal chakra. Watch your steps son and live a beautiful and legendry life."
After saying this Mata laxmi waved her hands as space crack opened right behind me as I started to get sucked into it. When things happened so suddenly that I have no time for any reaction. My consciousness started to get blurred and nothingness started to engulf me. Until last moment of complete unconsciousness I yelled: " pranipaat supreme ones....." , I wasn't able to complete my sentence as my consciousness got blurred completely.

Hastinapur, Royal palace
Unknown pov:

This is hastinapur, capital of Kuru Kingdom. Kuru kingdom was politically central power state with monarchy at its helm (not because there was systematic power structure but King was powerful) but over time power got divided and now it's mired with elements of feudalism and various centres of power have emerged over kingdom with courtiers grabbing power from the hands of monarch.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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