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Whilst these thoughts were churning in the mind of our special one; what he didn't know is that his excitement, interest, knowledge, principles, ideology and good chunk of Karma has made him like Firefly dancing in darkness unknown of his surroundings and dangers; has made him fall into sight of one of the most powerful entity in multiverse whose capabilities are below only tri-dev and tri-devi. The observer, pertinent and ever encompassing; Kaal chakra who has been tasked with finding candidate for completion of holy task is observing and scrutinising Prakhar which according to his parameters is candidate albeit bare minimum eligible, is able to achieve the completion of holy task. Kaal chakra through his powers decided to look into future of Prakhar to be able to affirm his judgement and also to check his remaining life. To his (kaal chakra) surprise, he was unable to see clear picture of his(Prakhar's) future after death. He was sure that Tri-dev and tri-devi has shielded it with their combined powers to be able to make even his powers obstructed.
This scenario made him rethink his choice of selecting prakhar as it is evident that tri-dev and tri-devi has given considerable thought and efforts regarding whole ordeal. Despite this New discovery, he reaffirmed his thoughts for prakhar's selection because he thought that this is destiny that has played its role otherwise why only prakhar came to his sight first than others despite having bare minimum eligibility.

During his investigation, Kaal chakra found that their is still some time before the natural death of Prakhar as Fated.

Kaal chakra Pov:
I decided to inform the tri-dev and tri-devi that I have completed the assigned task. I started my journey towards Brahma lok as I am aware that they are still there as not much time has passed since I left Brahma lok due to different time rates between domains of Tri-dev and tri-devi and rest of the universe and multiverse. During my journey a thought lingered in my mind that although the choosen one will be compensated for forced alteration of his fate and future by supreme ones atleast he should be informed of all these before putting him into this ordeal. But these kind of thoughts which tests the philosophical boundaries of personal freedom v/s greater good, Right v/s Just or utalitarianism v/s egalitarianism etc. has lingered in my mind for eons and eons as these things come being an observer who observe all and alooooot!!!and I only observe and No action as I am bound by rules or that's how I am.
I descended on Brahma lok and I saw Tri-dev and tri-devi are still imerged themselves in their discussion. Sometimes I doubt my eyes and my mind that how can the supreme ones have characteristics like normal intelligent species eg. Humans. Is these behaviours and characteristics are acquired by humans from deities or deities took pleasure into acquiring some of the traits of evolved humans. Wheather it is humanification of deities or deitification of humans; my interests and extent of my curiosity although propels me to dig deeper but lack of emotions provides me hint that I can myself find the answers in longer period of time.
I said: " Pranipaat tri-dev and tri-devi, assigned task has been completed."
My announcement drew attention of supreme ones as they nodded and acknowledged my words. They took a moment to go in their dhyana and I think they found out the choosen one. Seeing the satisfaction on the faces of tri-dev and tri-devi, I knew that they also approved but it seems that their approval rates are somewhat higher than mine.

Brahma dev: "So, how much time is left before the operation can start?"
I said: " Their is still some time left before his natural death as Fated."
Shri Hari Vishnu: " Yes, it was correct decision to assign you to complete this task. I am very satisfied with the choosen one and I think we should wait for his natural death rather than to have him recall earlier. Minimum interference is our collective decision and we can wait that much as this much time will be gone until our dinner."
Listening to statement and suggestion of Narayan, others also nodded to express their approval and understanding. I was surprised that they are very satisfied by my choice of choosen one, it seems that he would produce satisfactory results in his endeavours. Despite unable to peek into choosen one's future after his natural death, I think my intuition has been proven correct.
Since my selection is The choosen one, I can rest my little worry to find more suitable one.
After saying goodbye to supreme ones I entered into endless void to continue my work from where I left it. Time passed a little though question to remind the choosen one of his upcoming future and endeavours still lingered in my mind frequently. Earlier these thoughts wouldn't be entertained by myself as I wouldn't have acted on them or these thoughts wouldn't have came to my mind so frequently as my subconscious would have been aware of my inaction about it but since this holy task is first of it's kind and even garnered much attention and efforts from supreme ones; I for the first time in my career, decided to act on my thought and attributed it to the fact that
'Special times requires special means'.
Now that my conviction for action has been affirmed, I moved to decide the means or method to achieve the goal. Their are many ways to reach the choosen one and provide him some information about the holy task.
Eg. One is that I stop the time of whole universe and communicate him face to face but violation of rules would occur. I can provide him this information in his dream but there might be possibility that he would consider it a dream only although there is no loss in that but I want him to better prepare himself for what is about to come in his life. Yes, I can pull his soul in higher dimension or subject him to realistic illusion to provide him the information but Astral projection of soul out of body is neither suitable nor his soul can withstand that process while illusion may cause him incapable of differentiation between reality and illusion afterwards so doubt about life, it's purpose and those non sensical philosophical questions may flood his mind rendering him incapable of extra preparation which he can do in his remaining time.

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