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Princeton library has many gems eg. Original principia Mathematica and many original transcripts and published papers of many well known scientists which are rare and precious. From these originals you can trace and understand their origin thought, original thought process and way to approach the problem. I spent as much time as possible not only in Princeton University but also other universities and countries eg. Germany,Uk and France etc. under the pretext of joint academic programs and venture projects. I also experienced their lifestyle and customs. Some may argue or believe in superiority of their native customs, culture and lifestyle, I on the other hand refrain from such ideas to avoid blockade on my free thinking and hindrance to embrace newness and freshness though merits in something can not be denied. I tried my hands in in-field projects of various kinds under various companies as well though it was not that smooth and fruitful as I expected due to my age and nationality. This things alone took my almost all planned time and schedule that my spritual journey legged behind somewhat. I realised that my time was coming because new spring and increased energy after day of dream that I thought was some boon was not more than burst before candle goes off completely. I don't want to die in foreign land so I halted my plans halfway and returned to India. Immediately after my return I started to search for someone who can educate and make me understand ancient scriptures. Although I knew that not much time was left, I was patient with my search for someone genuine. I rather not learn than learn it wrongly because unlearning something is more difficult than learning it. Meanwhile I gathered material to learn Vedic Sanskrit and it's grammar. I was not successful in finding my Guru as my inner consciousness never approved of anyone available. So, I started to do it in crude way that is clash of different schools of thought regarding understanding of ancient texts and hymns and precipitating their essence. I visited South India, lingayat sect, Shaiyva sect, School under shankaracharyas, Iskcon, ramakrishna and vivekanand matha, Dayanand Saraswati's commentry on Vedas, Shivanand's explanation on upnishad and much available explanation of puranas. I knew this was unsuccessful venture but I still forged ahead. Days became weeks, years came after. During my few last years I resigned myself to the supreme one, abandoned everything except meditation and necessary daily duties in silent and peaceful surroundings. Though with the help of fellow practiceners  food was taken care of. I may not know that things would happen as depicted in dream but hard work to know everything made me more peaceful, blissful and calm. My body is hurting, aching and I think I'm slowly losing control over my senses. Although I haven't heard but my intuition tells me that my life oil is in final lap of drying up. It is difficult to sit for long time when you cross 80s but to not affect my meditation regime I meditated even lying down. Days goes by and even today I woke up at the same time. Though throughout morning I felt somewhat inexplicable. I feel that I can't complete my day today and that I felt some sort of separation between my body and soul. I knew for sure that today is going to be my last day on earth. But something unusual is also happening, pain is reducing at alarming rate, emotions are fading at exponential rate and state of no emotion/ nothingness is engulfing my consciousness. I'm fully awoke and conscious but I'm more like an emotionless observer even to my actions. I summoned my fellow practitioners and told them that my time is coming and I think today is my last day. I asked them to arrange and start yagna and peaceful mantra chanting alongwith mrityunjay Mantra around me as I took my place on mat in lotus position to participate in mantra chanting. I have developed emotional connection with my fellow practitioners as many of them were still in their middle ages and they respected me for my knowledge, personality and attitude towards faith. Whole ordeal started in noon and it were to be continued until my soul have departed from this land. They were to check on me every half an hour to see if I'm gone or not so that this ordeal can complete. Noon became evening, evening became night but somehow I was still breathing and hanging albeit through thin thread. It wasn't until 3 or 4 O' clock in morning that I started feeling my vitality decreasing at extremely rapid rate and my consciousness is being engulfed in drakness. Fellow practitioner who was sitting adjacent to me checked on me to see if I needed anything as I slumped on wall behind me for support to continue sitting in ongoing yagna. I motioned him through hands which means that within 20-30 min, I will take my last breath. As the first ray of sun came into my sight from window I took my last breath. I don't know what happened afterwards but I found myself in endless darkness nothing visible, no sensation, no emotion, nothingness. I thought it seems that I'm like trishanku, neither able to ascend to haeven nor able to return on earth and certainly I was not going to hell because I have done tremendous good work. Well I was not fully correct. This place was a seperate dimension unknown to everyone except few which I came to know only later on. Firstly I was surprised that despite being dead I was able to retain my consciousness and thinking and obviously everything else was gone. I don't know what to do so out of my habit of past few years before death, I started meditation and chanting. I felt that I was devoid of any need/ sensation so of course I was not hungry either. After spending quite a amount of time, I felt there was no decrease in my energy level or energy is not dissipated in any form out of me.
It been long long time or very short time, I have no intention to affix on this problem. Earlier when I came to this space, my mind wondered about many things but as time passed other distracting thoughts also diminished. Now I only do meditation and nothing else. I haven't kept track of time or to say wasn't able to keep track of time. But I do certainly feel that very long time has passed. Time passed and passed, that I even forgot where I was or was I supposed to do.... all my mind was on meditation only.
Prakhar's Pov:
After my peaceful death, I came to an unknown place Full of drakness and nothingness. At first my mind wondered about many things eg. Where am I, what is this, in what form do I exist, why am I able to retain my consciousness and thinking, what is going to happen, is everyone experience same what I'm experiencing or am I special, is it drakness or nothingness, will it be nothingness if there is darkness etc. but later on these thoughts stopped popping in my mind and all my attention was on meditation. I tried to keep track of time but somehow I wasn't able to, then I thought what's the point to do all these things what has to come will come anyway. I was emerged in my meditation then suddenly I saw a white point appeared in front of me and within couple of seconds it illuminated whole space. White light became so intense that I had to close my eyes to avoid that sun like glare. After that a voice fell on my ears.
That ethereal, extremely mellow and soothing voice said: " Open your eyes choosen one"
I opened my eyes and what I saw?.. six people in total, three male and three female. Of the three males, one was an elderly man and other two were young fellas. There females were very beautiful and motherly aura was coming from them. It took me some time to get out of my stupor as I was mesmerized by their persona and aura. Then suddenly it clicked to me that I have seen them somewhere. I recalled and I found that they look exactly like tri-dev and tri-devi as I had seen in my previous life on those photos and TVs. Then I suddenly laughed and said: " well, well, well they look exactly like how it was circulated in my previous life. If I'm able to see these things, does that mean I'm not dead? Am I in coma or something? Even if I'm dead and even if Tri-dev and tri-devi were to come in front of me, they will certainly not come in this form because I refuse to believe that this is their true form or perhaps they appear in this form in front of me but being god they definitely know that I don't believe in those personifications and exaggeration circulated on Earth. Or perhaps after such long period of time I have gone senile....Ahhhhhhh!!!! Was it happening???"

Seeing my state they started smiling and I looked at them and their smile didn't bother because for me they are not real, but my mere imagination. If it is my imagination then can I change their form. I started imagining and certainly there form changed .
But again one of the figures which has taken the persona of Mahadev said: " vatsya we are real and we have no fixed form or to say we are formless. It's in the eyes of the observer what they observe. Our form they see is nothing but their own imagination and perception of what they think we look like. That is why our forms changed when your imagination for our image changed.  And No, all of this is not your illusion or paranoia, it's reality and it's happening."
I said: " So, you saying that all these are real, so use your all mighty power and make me believe in you."
One who has adopted the persona of Lord Vishnu said: " Hahaha, cleaver move boy. I like you. Despite we are real or not, you will gain benefit in both cases. If we are just your imagination and illusion, then after this you will get your much needed peace of mind; and if we are real you will get power to see through illusion because if we are real this small thing are nothing to us but you will get powerful supernatural power. This small thing will not invite our anger and you will show your wit to us in a safe manner."
Although yet I don't they are real or not but my calculations were exposed in daylight. I choose to remain silent.
Lady having persona of Mata Laxmi said: " Vatsya, accept the power of eye of truth". From her plam, a golden light emerged and dawn upon me. After some time I got the eye of truth through which I will be able to see through all illusions and falsehood in universe. After gaining the power, I examined and found no anamoly. I rest assured that my brain doesn't trick me into all these if power is real as mentioned. Though it can all be my imagination but that warm feeling and my intuition, I choose to believe it. I immediately  prayed to tri-dev and tri-devi for forgiveness.
Mahadev said: " it's all right. These things can happen as you are from Kaliyug. But let's get to the business. Prakhar, the dream you saw years ago that subverted your imagination and described you as choosen one was mostly true. All those defying of universal laws of physics and mathematics was not true but you are choosen one and has holy task to complete."
Mata parvati said: " Putra, you yourself came from Kaliyug and you know condition of Devbhoomi yourself. We want to change it but not from Kaliyug but from dwvaapar yug itself. You will be reborn in Mahabharata era and you have to correct the wrongs of society, punish the oppressers, preserve and improve the knowledge, Prosper and develop the people of that era of Devbhoomi. This is your ultimate goal/task, meanwhile you can live as you want of course on the path of Dharma."
Before I could even say anything Lord Brahma said: " of course, we know this task is very difficult and you have been choosen Despite your consent, so we all will give you some boons to facilitate you through your journey."

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