Ch. 2 The Medium

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December, 19th 2021
8:40 AM
Orangewood Inn

*ring ring* the sound of a phone ringing wakes up Seth and Nate, Seth turns over and picks up his phone and answers the call "hello?" Seth says, trying his best to not sound like he just woke up, "hello?" No answer... "alright, very funny Colby" Seth says while looking at Nate who's looking back at him confused, just assuming it was Sam or Colby pulling one of their pranks on him.. Until he hears loud and heavy breathing, "w-what the fuck! Dude!" Seth says as he drops his phone "what! What is it?" Nate says while putting on a red hoodie and black jeans "dude... I-I swear to God... there was someone fucking breathing heavily on the other line!" Seth says picking up his phone and checking to see if the call was still on "holy shit- are you sure it wasn't Sam, Colby, or the girls?" Nate says going up to Seth who is clearly freaking out a bit "I don't didn't sound like any of them..." Seth says, while getting dressed in the bathroom, putting on a yellow and red hoodie along with black ripped jeans and black vans "maybe... your number got leaked and it was a fan?..." Nate says trying to make Seth feel better "i mean...maybe" Seth says still a bit freaked out "well, I'm sure it'll be fine... now let's get to the lobby... the others are already down there waiting on us" Nate says grabbing his wallet, phone, and hotel room key "oh, yeah okay let's go" Seth says while also grabbing his phone and wallet. And then they leave the room and head down to the lobby

9:21 AM
In the lobby

While the others are chatting in the lobby, Nate and Seth appear from the elevator "hey guys sorry we're late" Nate says as they approach the group "morning bro" Sam says giving a warm smile "no worries, you aren't late we just got down here ourselves" Colby says also giving a small smile "let's get some breakfast and then head to the Sallie house" Colby said "good idea" Kris says laughing a bit

9:43 AM

As they are eating their food Celina looks at Seth and notices how quiet he's being "Seth, are you okay?" She asks, causing the others to look up and go silent. Seth looks up and sees everyone looking at him "hm? Oh uhm... yeah I'm fine" he says hoping that they will drop it "Seth... I'm a medium as well..." Celina says hoping that will get him to open up "..." Seth looks around the table seeing how concerned they all are and he sees how Nate is looking at him knowing full well what's wrong "don't worry guys... it's not anything bad..." Seth says looking at them "then what's wrong?" Kris asks a little concerned "nothing really... it's just this morning I woke up to a phone call and when I answered it there was silence for a good 30 seconds then all of a sudden there was this loud heavy breathing... At first I thought it was one of you pranking me..." he says, they all look at each other and back at him "it wasn't either of us, me and Celina were already in the lobby waiting on y'all" Kris says looking at Celina "It wasn't me or Sam... we were getting ready and packing up some of the ghost equipment and the camera" Colby says "and well it obviously wasn't Nate..." Seth says jokingly "maybe it's a fan...?" Colby suggests "that's what I said... but how..." Nate says. After they finished eating they paid and got back in the car and headed to the Sallie house.

10:30 AM
Sallie house

Once they were there they got out of the car and took down the equipment and went inside to wait for the medium that Sam and Colby had invited, after waiting for a while the lady had arrived, and of course Sam and Colby asked if she was okay with them filming her she said that was fine so Sam and Colby set up the camera and start filming "hey guys! It's Sam and Colby and today we are here with Seth, Nate, Kris, and Celina! And we're at the Famous Sallie house" Colby says as he points the camera to the group "yep! And we also invited Emily Blunt who is a medium and she will be telling us if we're going to be in danger" Sam says jokingly. The camera shuts off "holy shit! Dude I didn't do that" Colby exclaims turning the camera back on "what happened?" Seth questions "the camera shut off..." Colby says pointing the camera towards the group again "strange...anyway let's get into the interview" Sam says.

11:40 AM
The interview

"Hi, my name is Emily Blunt and I am a psychic medium which means that I can talk to spirits and also sometimes see them" Emily says with a warm smile "how long have you been speaking to spirits?" Colby asks "it started when I was about 7 or 8 and I didn't know this, but I started seeing my grandma and talking to her all around my house then one day I brought it up to my mom and she started crying and told me that my grandma passed away years before me and my brother were born" she says glancing behind Seth "what happened? Do you see something?" Sam asks "you are not allowed to hurt him!" Emily says as she gets up from the chair "what..." Seth says as he moves away "what! What happened?" Colby asks, grabbing the camera and turning it towards Seth and Emily "sorry... something was standing behind your friend..." Emily apologizes and sits back down "w-what was it?" Seth asks nervously, because before she had said anything he had felt like something or someone was standing behind him and just watching him "I don't know... but whatever it is wasn't human..." Emily says looking at Seth "was it a demon?" Kris asks "I'm not sure..." Emily says in response. " Well that's reassuring..." Seth says "oh my god! It hasn't even been an hour and shit is already starting to happen" Colby says "yeah, well do you want to continue?" Sam asks, making sure everyone is okay and ready to continue "yeah..." Emily says.

12:37 PM
After the interview and tour of the house

"Well uhh... I'll be going now and uhm no need to pay me..." Emily says grabbing her stuff and leaving without saying another word "well, that was... something..." Nate says locking the door "sure was" Celina says

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