Ch. 3 The History/Investigation

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11:30 PM
The dark history of the house

After the medium left they went to get some dinner and when they got back they set up the ghost equipment and started recording "okay, we're back... After the medium left we kinda got freaked out so we decided to take a break and go get some dinner and then we set up some ghost equipment" Sam says showing the equipment that they set up. "Okay, so are y'all ready to start the investigation?" Sam asks the group "hell yeah!" Celina says "alright let's start with some history about the house" Sam says "Originally built at the turn of the century, the house became the residence of an Atchison physician. The front served as office space and examination rooms, while the doctor and his family lived upstairs. One day, a frantic mother arrived carrying her 6-year-old daughter, Sallie. The child had collapsed from severe abdominal pain, and he knew there was no time to delay surgery. Believing that the appendix would soon burst, the doctor began cutting Sallie before the anesthesia took full effect. Sallie’s screams suddenly stopped and she grew pale and limp. She died on the operating table – her last memories of a man whom she believed was torturing her." Sam finished "damn... Poor girl... She didn't know that he was trying to help her..." Kris said "well, actually some people believe that the doctor actually knew that Sallie was still conscious while he was doing the surgery" Colby says "but listen to this, though the house had long been known to be haunted, Sallie’s haunting grew ominous in 1993, when the house was rented to a young couple. Their dog seemed to growl at nothing, especially near the upstairs nursery.   Things had began to take a violent turn, however...Fires broke out in the house and a series of sinister attacks on the husband began. The operating area would become cold. Objects would visibly move when the young man drew near. He could feel scratches upon his chest or abdomen. But the ghost never attack the wife or the child..." Colby says reading off of his phone "well, I mean if you were Sallie and you wake up with some random guy cutting you open while you just lay there screaming...." Seth says "I would hate men" Celina says agreeing with Seth "true... " Colby says also agreeing.

12:00 AM
The investigation

After they finished sharing some history of the house, "alright, now let's-" before Colby could even finish his Sentence he was cut off with a loud bang coming from upstairs "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?" Nate yells while some of the others scream and jump up "that was upstairs!?" Colby says as he grabs the camera and runs up the stairs and the others follow after him, "holy shit! Guys look!" Colby says running into Sallie's room, and the others run in to the room they see that the eight ball that they had placed on the bed was now on the other side of the room "Dude! I swear to God I set that  on the bed!" Seth says freaking out a bit "i-i know! I literally watched you set it down..." Sam says also freaking out "bro... We- none of us were up here... We were all downstairs in the fucking living room..." Colby says turning the camera to face himself "i was about to say we should start are investigation upstairs" Colby says realizing what he was about to say just 4 seconds earlier "no fucking way!" Sam says surprised "oh my gosh! We should start talking to whoever or whatever did that" Nate said excitedly "yes!" Celina says agreeing.

12:10 AM
In Sallie's room

After they calmed down they set up the camera and stood by the Sb(spirit box) "okay  so we decided to start off with the spirit box" Sam says "okay, who threw the eight ball at the wall?" Seth asks "me" says a distorted voice over the sb "who are you?" Colby asks "Sallie" says what sounds like a little girl "oh my god! Did that just fucking say Sallie?!" Seth says surprised "did it?" Asks Nate "yeah, I heard it too!" Colby says "are we talking to Sallie?" Nate asks "it's me" the little girl voice says right after Nate finishes asking "what the actual fuck!" Nate says, after about an hour of asking questions, everything suddenly goes quiet "hm, weird everything just stopped..." Kris says "yeah..." Celina agrees "Seth" a distorted voice says from the sb "did that just say-" Sam says "oh fuck that..." Seth says, as he's about to walk out of the room "I mean... Who or what ever that is must want to talk to you" Colby says "Seth, remember that nothing here can hurt us unless we allow it to" Celina says with a reassuring smile "but-" Seth starts "we'll be right here, we won't leave unless you want us too" Sam says putting a hand on Seth's shoulder *Seth let's out a shakey breath* "fine..." He agrees and sits in front of the sb "h-hello do you want to talk to me" Seth starts "hi" the same voice says "h-hi... Who are
you?" Seth asks, after waiting 5 or 10 "no response..." Colby says "well... Guess it's done talking..." Nate says jokingly trying to brighten up the mood "I.want." a voice from the sb says "w-what do you want?" Seth asks "power" the voice responses "oh fuck no..." Seth says "it wants power?" Sam says, Seth stands up and backs away from the sb, after 30 more minutes of asking questions with no luck, the group decides to take a break.

1:40 AM

The group is just chilling upstairs with Seth who is in the bathroom cause he said he got a pain on his neck "Bro you good in there?" Colby asks "the side of my fucking neck is bleeding..." Seth says "wait what?" Sam asks "really?" Nate also asks concerned "yeah!" Seth says "Is it a lot?" Kris asks "uhm... Well" Seth starts "can we come in?" Sam asks "uhm, yeah hold on" Seth says, he opens the door and he's covering the left side of his neck "here, lemme see" Celina says walking up to Seth removing his hand only to reveal a large cut and a bit of blood "oh, shit-" Colby say turning off the camera "here, Sam take this" Colby says handing a face towel to Sam and he runs into the bathroom and puts warm water on it and a small amount of alcohol (alcohol that you put on cuts to kill the germs and to prevent infections) "okay, here" Sam says holding the face towel soaked in warm water and alcohol on Seth's wound "ahh!" Seth flinches at the feeling of the alcohol burning into his wound "I know, sorry forgot to mention that it will brun for a bit but it's just until Colby comes back with a band-aid and to stop the bleeding" sam says "okay here" they hear Colby say as he comes up the stairs "has the bleeding stopped?" Colby asks "uhm hold on" Sam says lifting up the towel to check "yeah it stopped a little" he says removing the towel fully "alright, Seth keep your head tilted like that okay?" Colby says putting on a glove and opening a tube of antibiotic and putting a bit on Seth's wound then applies a small sheet of goss then puts on the band-aid "and, done" Colby says removing his glove and throws it in the trash and washes his hands "thanks... But since when did y'all carry a first aid kit?" Seth says thankful but also a bit confused "since our viewers told us how clumsy we are" Sam says as he was coming back from throwing the towel away, also laughing "how the fuck did that happen?" Kris asks "I have no fucking clue..." Seth says "well, do you want to stop?" Colby asks Seth "I mean, I feel fine right now..." Seth says "okay, but at anytime you feel like you want to stop, just tell us and we'll take a break or we can leave." Colby says looking over at Seth "yeah, okay... I'm fine... We can continue" Seth says "okay... " Colby says.

1:59 AM
Continuing the investigation

"Okay, now it's time to split up into groups of two, so Me and Sam will take the entire upstairs, Kris and Nate take downstairs, and Seth and Celina take the basement" Colby says pointing the camera at the group "alright... Everyone ready?" Sam asks, giving the two groups one camera and one of each of the ghost equipment and taking one of each for him and Colby.


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